Monday, May 30, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 8

Total Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 248 259 34 795 .365 .496 19 426 4 35 3.95 1.31 8.22 30
Drilling for Feces 240 192 35 689 .362 .431 23 577.1 6 30 4.30 1.31 8.14 44
Slim Pug 262 248 28 809 .361 .485 15 388.2 35 18 3.91 1.35 7.92 25
STD High 242.62 236.67 40.54 770.50 .350 .474 21.26 495.99 34.31 29.72 4.18 1.33 9.09 37.59
aylers angels 245 224 34 749 .344 .468 12 409.1 28 20 3.72 1.23 8.64 27
GS Orioles/andy k 215 241 35 767 .338 .503 12 430.1 25 9 4.45 1.35 7.88 29
Meet The Debts 248 221 31 769 .337 .440 18 393.2 28 14 4.14 1.27 7.82 29
Socialists 202 205 48 700 .335 .435 26 491.2 15 17 3.40 1.17 8.66 43
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 179 184 46 569 .334 .385 9 338 7 17 3.78 1.20 8.55 20
Wade Boggs Challenge 204 210 40 651 .334 .409 29 373.2 2 22 3.59 1.25 9.35 28
League Average 217.83 212.22 34.83 701.89 .334 .438 13.78 431.66 21.00 21.00 3.82 1.26 8.43 30.33
Yankees # 1 231 245 28 790 .331 .479 2 406.1 30 24 3.72 1.27 8.04 33
412LumberCo./fsblnks 204 203 38 728 .329 .448 4 374.2 39 5 3.12 1.15 7.76 29
Jeff Specific 213 231 27 716 .326 .444 13 423 24 31 3.94 1.27 10.30 30
Buschwick 199 193 32 647 .323 .423 8 464 43 15 3.94 1.37 8.67 25
Husker Dudes /ericyu 208 171 35 638 .323 .410 8 368 20 33 3.86 1.25 9.02 18
Half Boners/jacobk 222 201 36 660 .321 .396 19 529.2 11 16 3.98 1.23 8.09 35
STD Low 193.04 187.77 29.12 633.27 .317 .403 6.30 367.34 7.69 12.28 3.45 1.19 7.78 23.07
The Condors 186 194 34 605 .317 .404 12 388.2 40 15 3.38 1.19 7.78 26
Sogard's CPAs 234 199 29 664 .314 .416 14 475 8 34 4.23 1.31 8.13 32
Bro Hymn Tribute 181 199 37 688 .309 .420 5 516.1 13 23 3.26 1.13 8.82 43

Average Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 31.00 32.38 4.25 99.38 .365 .496 2.38 53.25 0.50 4.38 3.95 1.31 8.22 3.75
Drilling for Feces 30.00 24.00 4.38 86.13 .362 .431 2.88 72.14 0.75 3.75 4.30 1.31 8.14 5.50
Slim Pug 32.75 31.00 3.50 101.13 .361 .485 1.88 48.53 4.38 2.25 3.91 1.35 7.92 3.13
STD High 30.33 29.58 5.07 96.31 .350 .474 2.66 62.00 4.29 3.71 4.18 1.33 9.09 4.70
aylers angels 30.63 28.00 4.25 93.63 .344 .468 1.50 51.14 3.50 2.50 3.72 1.23 8.64 3.38
GS Orioles/andy k 26.88 30.13 4.38 95.88 .338 .503 1.50 53.76 3.13 1.13 4.45 1.35 7.88 3.63
Meet The Debts 31.00 27.63 3.88 96.13 .337 .440 2.25 49.15 3.50 1.75 4.14 1.27 7.82 3.63
Socialists 25.25 25.63 6.00 87.50 .335 .435 3.25 61.40 1.88 2.13 3.40 1.17 8.66 5.38
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 22.38 23.00 5.75 71.13 .334 .385 1.13 42.25 0.88 2.13 3.78 1.20 8.55 2.50
Wade Boggs Challenge 25.50 26.25 5.00 81.38 .334 .409 3.63 46.65 0.25 2.75 3.59 1.25 9.35 3.50
League Average 27.23 26.53 4.35 87.74 .334 .438 1.72 53.96 2.63 2.63 3.82 1.26 8.43 3.79
Yankees # 1 28.88 30.63 3.50 98.75 .331 .479 0.25 50.76 3.75 3.00 3.72 1.27 8.04 4.13
412LumberCo./fsblnks 25.50 25.38 4.75 91.00 .329 .448 0.50 46.78 4.88 0.63 3.12 1.15 7.76 3.63
Jeff Specific 26.63 28.88 3.38 89.50 .326 .444 1.63 52.88 3.00 3.88 3.94 1.27 10.30 3.75
Buschwick 24.88 24.13 4.00 80.88 .323 .423 1.00 58.00 5.38 1.88 3.94 1.37 8.67 3.13
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.00 21.38 4.38 79.75 .323 .410 1.00 46.00 2.50 4.13 3.86 1.25 9.02 2.25
Half Boners/jacobk 27.75 25.13 4.50 82.50 .321 .396 2.38 66.15 1.38 2.00 3.98 1.23 8.09 4.38
STD Low 24.13 23.47 3.64 79.16 .317 .403 0.79 45.92 0.96 1.54 3.45 1.19 7.78 2.88
The Condors 23.25 24.25 4.25 75.63 .317 .404 1.50 48.53 5.00 1.88 3.38 1.19 7.78 3.25
Sogard's CPAs 29.25 24.88 3.63 83.00 .314 .416 1.75 59.38 1.00 4.25 4.23 1.31 8.13 4.00
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.63 24.88 4.63 86.00 .309 .420 0.63 64.51 1.63 2.88 3.26 1.13 8.82 5.38

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Slim Pug 58 43 11 65 39 8 0.56696 0.61607 0.04911 1 2
aylers angels 57 43 12 63 41 8 0.56250 0.59821 0.03571 2 3
Baltz Street Boozers 60 46 6 60 45 7 0.56250 0.56696 0.00446 3 4
Jeff Specific 56 47 9 57 47 8 0.54018 0.54464 0.00446 4 6
Bro Hymn Tribute 50 46 16 34 68 10 0.51786 0.34821 -0.16964 5 18
Drilling for Feces 54 50 8 60 47 5 0.51786 0.55804 0.04018 6 5
Socialists 54 54 4 51 53 8 0.50000 0.49107 -0.00893 7 10
Sogard's CPAs 50 51 11 46 61 5 0.49554 0.43304 -0.06250 8 15
Yankees # 1 49 51 12 68 39 5 0.49107 0.62946 0.13839 9 1
412LumberCo./fsblnks 45 56 11 53 52 7 0.45089 0.50446 0.05357 10 9
GS Orioles/andy k 45 56 11 56 50 6 0.45089 0.52679 0.07589 11 7
Buschwick 46 59 7 47 60 5 0.44196 0.44196 0.00000 12 14
The Condors 44 60 8 41 64 7 0.42857 0.39732 -0.03125 13 17
Half Boners/jacobk 42 59 11 48 58 6 0.42411 0.45536 0.03125 14 13
Wade Boggs Challenge 45 62 5 52 55 5 0.42411 0.48661 0.06250 15 11
Meet The Debts 41 59 12 51 57 4 0.41964 0.47321 0.05357 16 12
Husker Dudes /ericyu 39 67 6 56 51 5 0.37500 0.52232 0.14732 17 8
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 35 72 5 44 65 3 0.33482 0.40625 0.07143 18 16

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