Monday, May 16, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 6

Total Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 185 179 27 575 .360 .478 11 310.2 3 28 4.00 1.35 8.17 23
Slim Pug 196 187 21 620 .360 .493 10 287.2 28 12 3.72 1.34 7.85 19
Drilling for Feces 179 146 28 518 .354 .420 13 419.1 3 24 4.44 1.34 7.88 30
STD High 186.51 182.90 32.73 592.70 .351 .480 16.32 370.83 26.35 22.13 4.28 1.35 9.06 28.23
aylers angels 188 169 29 571 .348 .475 11 302 23 11 3.78 1.31 8.58 19
GS Orioles/andy k 162 190 31 593 .348 .516 7 304 21 7 4.68 1.41 7.96 20
Meet The Debts 202 179 23 606 .347 .459 17 289.1 21 10 4.07 1.28 7.87 21
Wade Boggs Challenge 149 162 31 496 .345 .414 17 265.1 2 16 3.83 1.29 9.33 18
League Average 164.94 160.56 27.72 531.39 .337 .439 10.06 321.14 16.33 15.44 3.81 1.26 8.40 22.33
Jeff Specific 171 195 19 582 .336 .470 9 320 20 22 4.16 1.30 10.21 20
Socialists 153 150 37 525 .336 .434 26 375.1 13 16 3.48 1.17 8.82 34
Yankees # 1 170 188 20 592 .332 .473 1 303.1 20 17 3.98 1.23 8.22 23
Husker Dudes /ericyu 158 131 29 476 .331 .414 7 283.2 18 26 3.78 1.23 8.95 13
Buschwick 145 122 27 452 .330 .403 7 367.1 33 11 3.63 1.32 8.65 21
Sogard's CPAs 188 156 22 520 .329 .432 11 352.1 7 22 4.42 1.33 8.00 24
412LumberCo./fsblnks 156 163 29 569 .324 .453 3 293 32 5 2.92 1.20 7.62 24
The Condors 141 145 31 461 .324 .408 7 286.1 24 12 3.21 1.18 7.86 19
STD Low 143.38 138.22 22.72 470.08 .323 .399 3.79 271.46 6.32 8.76 3.34 1.18 7.75 16.43
Half Boners/jacobk 164 143 31 486 .322 .389 17 383 10 11 3.71 1.21 8.01 25
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 127 130 35 399 .320 .354 4 241 4 10 3.77 1.13 8.40 14
Bro Hymn Tribute 135 155 29 524 .313 .424 3 400.2 12 18 2.97 1.14 8.87 35

Average Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 30.83 29.83 4.50 95.83 .360 .478 1.83 51.70 0.50 4.67 4.00 1.35 8.17 3.83
Slim Pug 32.67 31.17 3.50 103.33 .360 .493 1.67 47.87 4.67 2.00 3.72 1.34 7.85 3.17
Drilling for Feces 29.83 24.33 4.67 86.33 .354 .420 2.17 69.85 0.50 4.00 4.44 1.34 7.88 5.00
STD High 31.08 30.48 5.45 98.78 .351 .480 2.72 61.80 4.39 3.69 4.28 1.35 9.06 4.71
aylers angels 31.33 28.17 4.83 95.17 .348 .475 1.83 50.33 3.83 1.83 3.78 1.31 8.58 3.17
GS Orioles/andy k 27.00 31.67 5.17 98.83 .348 .516 1.17 50.67 3.50 1.17 4.68 1.41 7.96 3.33
Meet The Debts 33.67 29.83 3.83 101.00 .347 .459 2.83 48.18 3.50 1.67 4.07 1.28 7.87 3.50
Wade Boggs Challenge 24.83 27.00 5.17 82.67 .345 .414 2.83 44.18 0.33 2.67 3.83 1.29 9.33 3.00
League Average 27.49 26.76 4.62 88.56 .337 .439 1.68 53.52 2.72 2.57 3.81 1.26 8.40 3.72
Jeff Specific 28.50 32.50 3.17 97.00 .336 .470 1.50 53.33 3.33 3.67 4.16 1.30 10.21 3.33
Socialists 25.50 25.00 6.17 87.50 .336 .434 4.33 62.52 2.17 2.67 3.48 1.17 8.82 5.67
Yankees # 1 28.33 31.33 3.33 98.67 .332 .473 0.17 50.52 3.33 2.83 3.98 1.23 8.22 3.83
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.33 21.83 4.83 79.33 .331 .414 1.17 47.20 3.00 4.33 3.78 1.23 8.95 2.17
Buschwick 24.17 20.33 4.50 75.33 .330 .403 1.17 61.18 5.50 1.83 3.63 1.32 8.65 3.50
Sogard's CPAs 31.33 26.00 3.67 86.67 .329 .432 1.83 58.68 1.17 3.67 4.42 1.33 8.00 4.00
412LumberCo./fsblnks 26.00 27.17 4.83 94.83 .324 .453 0.50 48.83 5.33 0.83 2.92 1.20 7.62 4.00
The Condors 23.50 24.17 5.17 76.83 .324 .408 1.17 47.68 4.00 2.00 3.21 1.18 7.86 3.17
STD Low 23.90 23.04 3.79 78.35 .323 .399 0.63 45.24 1.05 1.46 3.34 1.18 7.75 2.74
Half Boners/jacobk 27.33 23.83 5.17 81.00 .322 .389 2.83 63.83 1.67 1.83 3.71 1.21 8.01 4.17
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 21.17 21.67 5.83 66.50 .320 .354 0.67 40.17 0.67 1.67 3.77 1.13 8.40 2.33
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.50 25.83 4.83 87.33 .313 .424 0.50 66.70 2.00 3.00 2.97 1.14 8.87 5.83

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Jeff Specific 46 31 7 44 32 8 0.58929 0.57143 -0.01786 1 4
Slim Pug 45 31 8 48 31 5 0.58333 0.60119 0.01786 2 2
Bro Hymn Tribute 42 31 11 30 47 7 0.56548 0.39881 -0.16667 3 16
aylers angels 43 33 8 46 32 6 0.55952 0.58333 0.02381 4 3
Socialists 44 36 4 43 34 7 0.54762 0.55357 0.00595 5 5
Baltz Street Boozers 42 38 4 44 35 5 0.52381 0.55357 0.02976 6 6
Sogard's CPAs 39 37 8 37 44 3 0.51190 0.45833 -0.05357 7 13
412LumberCo./fsblnks 37 37 10 43 36 5 0.50000 0.54167 0.04167 8 8
Yankees # 1 37 38 9 53 27 4 0.49405 0.65476 0.16071 9 1
Drilling for Feces 36 41 7 39 41 4 0.47024 0.48810 0.01786 10 11
Meet The Debts 34 40 10 42 38 4 0.46429 0.52381 0.05952 11 9
Buschwick 34 44 6 36 44 4 0.44048 0.45238 0.01190 12 14
GS Orioles/andy k 31 43 10 44 35 5 0.42857 0.55357 0.12500 13 7
The Condors 32 44 8 25 52 7 0.42857 0.33929 -0.08929 14 17
Half Boners/jacobk 30 45 9 39 40 5 0.41071 0.49405 0.08333 15 10
Husker Dudes /ericyu 32 48 4 37 42 5 0.40476 0.47024 0.06548 16 12
Wade Boggs Challenge 28 51 5 35 45 4 0.36310 0.44048 0.07738 17 15
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 23 58 3 26 56 2 0.29167 0.32143 0.02976 18 18

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