Monday, August 29, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 19

Total Stats
Buschwick 548 534 62 1609 .345 .450 32 806.1 25 13 2.86 1.07 8.76 72
Socialists 525 500 101 1679 .341 .429 44 913.2 24 47 3.12 1.12 9.38 60
Half Boners/jacobk 610 493 78 1643 .335 .399 68 1126.2 53 46 3.50 1.19 8.13 70
STD High 589.39 582.04 97.08 1807.06 .334 .442 57.26 1076.28 63.71 64.48 4.03 1.26 9.62 72.25
Yankees # 1 553 509 80 1718 .331 .435 51 1063 49 17 3.40 1.13 9.48 83
aylers angels 540 536 73 1725 .330 .432 29 1082.2 52 38 3.72 1.16 8.53 67
TOOTBLANs 573 540 80 1781 .326 .436 74 1105.2 71 38 4.15 1.26 9.07 53
League Average 539.88 525.56 81.94 1666.94 .325 .425 42.13 972.81 45.13 43.56 3.63 1.19 9.02 62.25
The Condors 607 593 94 1862 .324 .442 47 885.2 50 52 4.31 1.35 7.59 47
Domo Farm-Frites 541 526 90 1691 .321 .419 61 979.2 38 75 3.41 1.17 8.92 64
Husker Dudes /ericyu 567 488 88 1666 .321 .412 42 1004.1 41 71 3.98 1.24 9.21 47
Mr. Second Helping 514 646 110 1854 .321 .437 21 1106 85 66 3.41 1.09 8.92 78
Slim Pug 534 545 68 1637 .321 .426 42 991 46 43 3.59 1.18 8.83 57
Baltz Street Boozers 536 514 77 1626 .320 .421 37 884.1 26 38 4.26 1.29 8.84 59
Jeff Specific 477 416 83 1424 .319 .385 35 928 25 61 3.57 1.16 9.83 56
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 411 482 74 1348 .317 .433 25 808.1 19 3 3.33 1.20 9.39 62
svyatogornyj 593 614 52 1830 .317 .434 37 907.2 62 28 3.65 1.19 9.73 61
STD Low 490.36 469.09 66.79 1526.82 .316 .407 26.99 869.34 26.54 22.65 3.23 1.12 8.42 52.25
growth pep. / zemus 509 473 101 1578 .315 .403 29 976.1 56 61 3.84 1.21 9.68 60

Average Stats
Buschwick 28.84 28.11 3.26 84.68 .345 .450 1.68 42.43 1.32 0.68 2.86 1.07 8.76 3.79
Socialists 27.63 26.32 5.32 88.37 .341 .429 2.32 48.06 1.26 2.47 3.12 1.12 9.38 3.16
Half Boners/jacobk 32.11 25.95 4.11 86.47 .335 .399 3.58 59.27 2.79 2.42 3.50 1.19 8.13 3.68
STD High 31.02 30.63 5.11 95.11 .334 .442 3.01 56.65 3.35 3.39 4.03 1.26 9.62 3.80
Yankees # 1 29.11 26.79 4.21 90.42 .331 .435 2.68 55.95 2.58 0.89 3.40 1.13 9.48 4.37
aylers angels 28.42 28.21 3.84 90.79 .330 .432 1.53 56.96 2.74 2.00 3.72 1.16 8.53 3.53
TOOTBLANs 30.16 28.42 4.21 93.74 .326 .436 3.89 58.17 3.74 2.00 4.15 1.26 9.07 2.79
League Average 28.41 27.66 4.31 87.73 .325 .425 2.22 51.20 2.38 2.29 3.63 1.19 9.02 3.28
The Condors 31.95 31.21 4.95 98.00 .324 .442 2.47 46.59 2.63 2.74 4.31 1.35 7.59 2.47
Domo Farm-Frites 28.47 27.68 4.74 89.00 .321 .419 3.21 51.54 2.00 3.95 3.41 1.17 8.92 3.37
Husker Dudes /ericyu 29.84 25.68 4.63 87.68 .321 .412 2.21 52.85 2.16 3.74 3.98 1.24 9.21 2.47
Mr. Second Helping 27.05 34.00 5.79 97.58 .321 .437 1.11 58.21 4.47 3.47 3.41 1.09 8.92 4.11
Slim Pug 28.11 28.68 3.58 86.16 .321 .426 2.21 52.16 2.42 2.26 3.59 1.18 8.83 3.00
Baltz Street Boozers 28.21 27.05 4.05 85.58 .320 .421 1.95 46.53 1.37 2.00 4.26 1.29 8.84 3.11
Jeff Specific 25.11 21.89 4.37 74.95 .319 .385 1.84 48.84 1.32 3.21 3.57 1.16 9.83 2.95
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 21.63 25.37 3.89 70.95 .317 .433 1.32 42.53 1.00 0.16 3.33 1.20 9.39 3.26
svyatogornyj 31.21 32.32 2.74 96.32 .317 .434 1.95 47.75 3.26 1.47 3.65 1.19 9.73 3.21
STD Low 25.81 24.69 3.52 80.36 .316 .407 1.42 45.75 1.40 1.19 3.23 1.12 8.42 2.75
growth pep. / zemus 26.79 24.89 5.32 83.05 .315 .403 1.53 51.37 2.95 3.21 3.84 1.21 9.68 3.16

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 159 86 21 138 112 16 0.63722 0.54887 -0.08835 1 4
TOOTBLANs 151 93 22 127 117 22 0.60902 0.51880 -0.09023 2 7
svyatogornyj 150 95 21 135 110 21 0.60338 0.54699 -0.05639 3 5
aylers angels 142 96 28 140 112 14 0.58647 0.55263 -0.03383 4 2
Domo Farm-Frites 139 104 23 122 124 20 0.56579 0.49624 -0.06955 5 10
Yankees # 1 141 109 16 124 122 20 0.56015 0.50376 -0.05639 6 8
Half Boners/jacobk 133 111 22 144 103 19 0.54135 0.57707 0.03571 7 1
Socialists 132 113 21 121 119 26 0.53571 0.50376 -0.03195 8 9
Slim Pug 128 110 28 131 113 22 0.53383 0.53383 0.00000 9 6
Husker Dudes /ericyu 131 114 21 120 132 14 0.53195 0.47744 -0.05451 10 13
Buschwick 130 115 21 135 107 24 0.52820 0.55263 0.02444 11 3
The Condors 117 125 24 119 127 20 0.48496 0.48496 0.00000 12 12
growth pep. / zemus 116 131 19 121 127 18 0.47180 0.48872 0.01692 13 11
Baltz Street Boozers 110 127 29 108 136 22 0.46805 0.44737 -0.02068 14 14
Jeff Specific 99 143 24 107 138 21 0.41729 0.44173 0.02444 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 91 166 9 80 173 13 0.35902 0.32519 -0.03383 16 16

Monday, August 22, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 18

Total Stats
Buschwick 499 483 58 1464 .344 .456 32 727.2 20 13 2.83 1.07 8.62 64
Socialists 474 437 92 1489 .340 .422 38 834 22 39 3.04 1.11 9.27 54
Half Boners/jacobk 552 442 67 1464 .335 .398 67 1015 50 42 3.58 1.21 8.17 63
STD High 531.55 529.66 85.06 1631.36 .334 .445 53.35 968.85 59.26 57.74 4.09 1.27 9.66 64.18
Yankees # 1 498 477 76 1546 .331 .436 48 953 45 16 3.51 1.15 9.44 73
aylers angels 483 475 68 1549 .326 .430 23 980 47 38 3.76 1.18 8.50 60
League Average 487.63 475.19 73.69 1503.50 .325 .425 38.56 876.08 41.38 39.13 3.65 1.19 9.03 55.31
The Condors 545 529 83 1676 .325 .445 47 795.2 42 44 4.35 1.34 7.48 42
Mr. Second Helping 470 607 87 1700 .324 .446 17 980.2 81 59 3.50 1.12 9.10 68
TOOTBLANs 504 486 74 1593 .324 .436 67 1003.2 64 33 4.26 1.26 9.00 46
Domo Farm-Frites 489 480 85 1546 .323 .424 54 877.1 33 70 3.40 1.17 8.94 57
Husker Dudes /ericyu 516 442 74 1515 .323 .414 38 891.1 38 64 4.02 1.26 9.00 41
Slim Pug 480 496 66 1463 .321 .429 36 905 42 40 3.58 1.18 8.94 52
Baltz Street Boozers 488 462 71 1472 .319 .421 34 793 24 37 4.40 1.32 9.03 50
Jeff Specific 420 374 74 1270 .319 .381 34 842 23 50 3.48 1.16 10.03 50
growth pep. / zemus 463 424 87 1420 .317 .402 23 879 52 55 3.78 1.19 9.56 55
STD Low 443.70 420.72 62.31 1375.64 .317 .406 23.77 783.30 23.49 20.51 3.21 1.12 8.39 46.45
svyatogornyj 541 550 49 1655 .316 .435 35 818.2 61 23 3.45 1.16 9.91 57
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 380 439 68 1234 .315 .432 24 724 18 3 3.43 1.22 9.45 53

Average Stats
Buschwick 27.72 26.83 3.22 81.33 .344 .456 1.78 40.40 1.11 0.72 2.83 1.07 8.62 3.56
Socialists 26.33 24.28 5.11 82.72 .340 .422 2.11 46.33 1.22 2.17 3.04 1.11 9.27 3.00
Half Boners/jacobk 30.67 24.56 3.72 81.33 .335 .398 3.72 56.39 2.78 2.33 3.58 1.21 8.17 3.50
STD High 29.53 29.43 4.73 90.63 .334 .445 2.96 53.82 3.29 3.21 4.09 1.27 9.66 3.57
Yankees # 1 27.67 26.50 4.22 85.89 .331 .436 2.67 52.94 2.50 0.89 3.51 1.15 9.44 4.06
aylers angels 26.83 26.39 3.78 86.06 .326 .430 1.28 54.44 2.61 2.11 3.76 1.18 8.50 3.33
League Average 27.09 26.40 4.09 83.53 .325 .425 2.14 48.67 2.30 2.17 3.65 1.19 9.03 3.07
The Condors 30.28 29.39 4.61 93.11 .325 .445 2.61 44.18 2.33 2.44 4.35 1.34 7.48 2.33
Mr. Second Helping 26.11 33.72 4.83 94.44 .324 .446 0.94 54.46 4.50 3.28 3.50 1.12 9.10 3.78
TOOTBLANs 28.00 27.00 4.11 88.50 .324 .436 3.72 55.73 3.56 1.83 4.26 1.26 9.00 2.56
Domo Farm-Frites 27.17 26.67 4.72 85.89 .323 .424 3.00 48.73 1.83 3.89 3.40 1.17 8.94 3.17
Husker Dudes /ericyu 28.67 24.56 4.11 84.17 .323 .414 2.11 49.51 2.11 3.56 4.02 1.26 9.00 2.28
Slim Pug 26.67 27.56 3.67 81.28 .321 .429 2.00 50.28 2.33 2.22 3.58 1.18 8.94 2.89
Baltz Street Boozers 27.11 25.67 3.94 81.78 .319 .421 1.89 44.06 1.33 2.06 4.40 1.32 9.03 2.78
Jeff Specific 23.33 20.78 4.11 70.56 .319 .381 1.89 46.78 1.28 2.78 3.48 1.16 10.03 2.78
growth pep. / zemus 25.72 23.56 4.83 78.89 .317 .402 1.28 48.83 2.89 3.06 3.78 1.19 9.56 3.06
STD Low 24.65 23.37 3.46 76.42 .317 .406 1.32 43.52 1.30 1.14 3.21 1.12 8.39 2.58
svyatogornyj 30.06 30.56 2.72 91.94 .316 .435 1.94 45.46 3.39 1.28 3.45 1.16 9.91 3.17
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 21.11 24.39 3.78 68.56 .315 .432 1.33 40.22 1.00 0.17 3.43 1.22 9.45 2.94

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 153 80 19 133 103 16 0.64484 0.55952 -0.08532 1 3
svyatogornyj 143 89 20 132 101 19 0.60714 0.56151 -0.04563 2 2
TOOTBLANs 143 90 19 120 113 19 0.60516 0.51389 -0.09127 3 7
aylers angels 134 93 25 131 107 14 0.58135 0.54762 -0.03373 4 5
Domo Farm-Frites 131 98 23 111 121 20 0.56548 0.48016 -0.08532 5 13
Yankees # 1 135 102 15 118 116 18 0.56548 0.50397 -0.06151 6 8
Half Boners/jacobk 128 103 21 135 98 19 0.54960 0.57341 0.02381 7 1
Husker Dudes /ericyu 127 105 20 116 123 13 0.54365 0.48611 -0.05754 8 12
Slim Pug 125 103 24 125 106 21 0.54365 0.53770 -0.00595 9 6
Buschwick 126 106 20 129 101 22 0.53968 0.55556 0.01587 10 4
Socialists 125 108 19 112 116 24 0.53373 0.49206 -0.04167 11 10
The Condors 112 118 22 115 120 17 0.48810 0.49008 0.00198 12 11
growth pep. / zemus 111 123 18 116 118 18 0.47619 0.49603 0.01984 13 9
Baltz Street Boozers 103 120 29 99 132 21 0.46627 0.43452 -0.03175 14 15
Jeff Specific 98 132 22 104 127 21 0.43254 0.45437 0.02183 15 14
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 84 160 8 73 167 12 0.34921 0.31349 -0.03571 16 16

Monday, August 15, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 17

Total Stats
Buschwick 499 483 58 1464 .344 .456 32 727.2 20 13 2.83 1.07 8.62 64
Socialists 474 437 92 1489 .340 .422 38 834 22 39 3.04 1.11 9.27 54
Half Boners/jacobk 552 442 67 1464 .335 .398 67 1015 50 42 3.58 1.21 8.17 63
STD High 531.55 529.66 85.06 1631.36 .334 .445 53.35 968.85 59.26 57.74 4.09 1.27 9.66 64.18
Yankees # 1 498 477 76 1546 .331 .436 48 953 45 16 3.51 1.15 9.44 73
aylers angels 483 475 68 1549 .326 .430 23 980 47 38 3.76 1.18 8.50 60
League Average 487.63 475.19 73.69 1503.50 .325 .425 38.56 876.08 41.38 39.13 3.65 1.19 9.03 55.31
The Condors 545 529 83 1676 .325 .445 47 795.2 42 44 4.35 1.34 7.48 42
Mr. Second Helping 470 607 87 1700 .324 .446 17 980.2 81 59 3.50 1.12 9.10 68
TOOTBLANs 504 486 74 1593 .324 .436 67 1003.2 64 33 4.26 1.26 9.00 46
Domo Farm-Frites 489 480 85 1546 .323 .424 54 877.1 33 70 3.40 1.17 8.94 57
Husker Dudes /ericyu 516 442 74 1515 .323 .414 38 891.1 38 64 4.02 1.26 9.00 41
Slim Pug 480 496 66 1463 .321 .429 36 905 42 40 3.58 1.18 8.94 52
Baltz Street Boozers 488 462 71 1472 .319 .421 34 793 24 37 4.40 1.32 9.03 50
Jeff Specific 420 374 74 1270 .319 .381 34 842 23 50 3.48 1.16 10.03 50
growth pep. / zemus 463 424 87 1420 .317 .402 23 879 52 55 3.78 1.19 9.56 55
STD Low 443.70 420.72 62.31 1375.64 .317 .406 23.77 783.30 23.49 20.51 3.21 1.12 8.39 46.45
svyatogornyj 541 550 49 1655 .316 .435 35 818.2 61 23 3.45 1.16 9.91 57
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 380 439 68 1234 .315 .432 24 724 18 3 3.43 1.22 9.45 53

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.35 28.41 3.41 86.12 .344 .456 1.88 42.78 1.18 0.76 2.83 1.07 8.62 3.76
Socialists 27.88 25.71 5.41 87.59 .340 .422 2.24 49.06 1.29 2.29 3.04 1.11 9.27 3.18
Half Boners/jacobk 32.47 26.00 3.94 86.12 .335 .398 3.94 59.71 2.94 2.47 3.58 1.21 8.17 3.71
STD High 31.27 31.16 5.00 95.96 .334 .445 3.14 56.99 3.49 3.40 4.09 1.27 9.66 3.78
Yankees # 1 29.29 28.06 4.47 90.94 .331 .436 2.82 56.06 2.65 0.94 3.51 1.15 9.44 4.29
aylers angels 28.41 27.94 4.00 91.12 .326 .430 1.35 57.65 2.76 2.24 3.76 1.18 8.50 3.53
League Average 28.68 27.95 4.33 88.44 .325 .425 2.27 51.53 2.43 2.30 3.65 1.19 9.03 3.25
The Condors 32.06 31.12 4.88 98.59 .325 .445 2.76 46.78 2.47 2.59 4.35 1.34 7.48 2.47
Mr. Second Helping 27.65 35.71 5.12 100.00 .324 .446 1.00 57.66 4.76 3.47 3.50 1.12 9.10 4.00
TOOTBLANs 29.65 28.59 4.35 93.71 .324 .436 3.94 59.01 3.76 1.94 4.26 1.26 9.00 2.71
Domo Farm-Frites 28.76 28.24 5.00 90.94 .323 .424 3.18 51.59 1.94 4.12 3.40 1.17 8.94 3.35
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.35 26.00 4.35 89.12 .323 .414 2.24 52.42 2.24 3.76 4.02 1.26 9.00 2.41
Slim Pug 28.24 29.18 3.88 86.06 .321 .429 2.12 53.24 2.47 2.35 3.58 1.18 8.94 3.06
Baltz Street Boozers 28.71 27.18 4.18 86.59 .319 .421 2.00 46.65 1.41 2.18 4.40 1.32 9.03 2.94
Jeff Specific 24.71 22.00 4.35 74.71 .319 .381 2.00 49.53 1.35 2.94 3.48 1.16 10.03 2.94
growth pep. / zemus 27.24 24.94 5.12 83.53 .317 .402 1.35 51.71 3.06 3.24 3.78 1.19 9.56 3.24
STD Low 26.10 24.75 3.67 80.92 .317 .406 1.40 46.08 1.38 1.21 3.21 1.12 8.39 2.73
svyatogornyj 31.82 32.35 2.88 97.35 .316 .435 2.06 48.13 3.59 1.35 3.45 1.16 9.91 3.35
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 22.35 25.82 4.00 72.59 .315 .432 1.41 42.59 1.06 0.18 3.43 1.22 9.45 3.12

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 147 73 18 130 94 14 0.65546 0.57563 -0.07983 1 3
svyatogornyj 139 79 20 130 90 18 0.62605 0.58403 -0.04202 2 1
TOOTBLANs 132 88 18 110 109 19 0.59244 0.50210 -0.09034 3 7
Domo Farm-Frites 126 91 21 107 111 20 0.57353 0.49160 -0.08193 4 10
aylers angels 123 91 24 123 103 12 0.56723 0.54202 -0.02521 5 5
Half Boners/jacobk 122 97 19 129 91 18 0.55252 0.57983 0.02731 6 2
Yankees # 1 124 99 15 108 112 18 0.55252 0.49160 -0.06092 7 11
Buschwick 119 100 19 121 96 21 0.53992 0.55252 0.01261 8 4
Slim Pug 117 98 23 118 100 20 0.53992 0.53782 -0.00210 9 6
Husker Dudes /ericyu 116 104 18 106 119 13 0.52521 0.47269 -0.05252 10 13
Socialists 114 106 18 103 113 22 0.51681 0.47899 -0.03782 11 12
The Condors 107 111 20 111 112 15 0.49160 0.49790 0.00630 12 9
growth pep. / zemus 107 116 15 111 110 17 0.48109 0.50210 0.02101 13 8
Baltz Street Boozers 96 113 29 95 122 21 0.46429 0.44328 -0.02101 14 14
Jeff Specific 92 127 19 93 125 20 0.42647 0.43277 0.00630 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 79 151 8 69 157 12 0.34874 0.31513 -0.03361 16 16

Monday, August 8, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 16

Total Stats
Buschwick 448 435 55 1324 .341 .456 28 622 18 12 2.88 1.07 8.80 55
Socialists 425 396 82 1332 .340 .421 34 752 21 33 3.05 1.12 9.31 48
Half Boners/jacobk 485 402 60 1285 .333 .395 58 893.1 47 35 3.62 1.20 8.22 53
STD High 475.96 472.56 75.91 1460.03 .333 .446 47.31 866.88 52.88 50.27 4.13 1.28 9.68 57.56
Yankees # 1 453 418 65 1377 .330 .436 46 865 38 14 3.56 1.14 9.66 68
Husker Dudes /ericyu 472 405 66 1378 .326 .422 38 790 33 57 4.20 1.30 9.00 34
aylers angels 426 420 58 1357 .325 .426 26 874.2 42 32 3.81 1.18 8.42 52
The Condors 492 488 74 1519 .325 .452 39 707.2 35 39 4.40 1.35 7.50 37
League Average 435.44 423.63 65.56 1342.31 .324 .425 34.69 782.77 36.94 34.25 3.68 1.20 9.05 48.88
Mr. Second Helping 419 530 76 1505 .324 .442 15 887 72 48 3.50 1.09 9.01 63
TOOTBLANs 457 428 64 1415 .323 .432 60 881.2 54 31 4.22 1.26 9.02 39
growth pep. / zemus 417 360 81 1255 .321 .396 19 783 48 46 3.84 1.20 9.40 49
Domo Farm-Frites 430 438 72 1395 .320 .427 45 780 29 63 3.42 1.17 8.94 48
svyatogornyj 479 485 40 1494 .319 .444 32 743.2 57 20 3.32 1.15 9.91 51
Baltz Street Boozers 442 405 66 1304 .317 .413 32 723.2 23 37 4.43 1.33 9.02 46
Jeff Specific 364 328 65 1125 .317 .379 28 748.1 22 40 3.55 1.17 10.02 44
Slim Pug 414 444 62 1304 .317 .424 31 825 38 38 3.55 1.18 8.89 48
STD Low 394.92 374.69 55.22 1224.60 .316 .404 22.07 698.66 20.99 18.23 3.23 1.12 8.41 40.19
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 344 396 63 1108 .313 .429 24 650.1 14 3 3.47 1.23 9.60 47

Average Stats
Buschwick 28.00 27.19 3.44 82.75 .341 .456 1.75 38.88 1.13 0.75 2.88 1.07 8.80 3.44
Socialists 26.56 24.75 5.13 83.25 .340 .421 2.13 47.00 1.31 2.06 3.05 1.12 9.31 3.00
Half Boners/jacobk 30.31 25.13 3.75 80.31 .333 .395 3.63 55.82 2.94 2.19 3.62 1.20 8.22 3.31
STD High 29.75 29.54 4.74 91.25 .333 .446 2.96 54.18 3.31 3.14 4.13 1.28 9.68 3.60
Yankees # 1 28.31 26.13 4.06 86.06 .330 .436 2.88 54.06 2.38 0.88 3.56 1.14 9.66 4.25
Husker Dudes /ericyu 29.50 25.31 4.13 86.13 .326 .422 2.38 49.38 2.06 3.56 4.20 1.30 9.00 2.13
aylers angels 26.63 26.25 3.63 84.81 .325 .426 1.63 54.64 2.63 2.00 3.81 1.18 8.42 3.25
The Condors 30.75 30.50 4.63 94.94 .325 .452 2.44 44.20 2.19 2.44 4.40 1.35 7.50 2.31
League Average 27.21 26.48 4.10 83.89 .324 .425 2.17 48.92 2.31 2.14 3.68 1.20 9.05 3.05
Mr. Second Helping 26.19 33.13 4.75 94.06 .324 .442 0.94 55.44 4.50 3.00 3.50 1.09 9.01 3.94
TOOTBLANs 28.56 26.75 4.00 88.44 .323 .432 3.75 55.08 3.38 1.94 4.22 1.26 9.02 2.44
growth pep. / zemus 26.06 22.50 5.06 78.44 .321 .396 1.19 48.94 3.00 2.88 3.84 1.20 9.40 3.06
Domo Farm-Frites 26.88 27.38 4.50 87.19 .320 .427 2.81 48.75 1.81 3.94 3.42 1.17 8.94 3.00
svyatogornyj 29.94 30.31 2.50 93.38 .319 .444 2.00 46.45 3.56 1.25 3.32 1.15 9.91 3.19
Baltz Street Boozers 27.63 25.31 4.13 81.50 .317 .413 2.00 45.20 1.44 2.31 4.43 1.33 9.02 2.88
Jeff Specific 22.75 20.50 4.06 70.31 .317 .379 1.75 46.76 1.38 2.50 3.55 1.17 10.02 2.75
Slim Pug 25.88 27.75 3.88 81.50 .317 .424 1.94 51.56 2.38 2.38 3.55 1.18 8.89 3.00
STD Low 24.68 23.42 3.45 76.54 .316 .404 1.38 43.67 1.31 1.14 3.23 1.12 8.41 2.51
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 21.50 24.75 3.94 69.25 .313 .429 1.50 40.63 0.88 0.19 3.47 1.23 9.60 2.94

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 141 65 18 123 87 14 0.66964 0.58036 -0.08929 1 3
svyatogornyj 134 72 18 123 83 18 0.63839 0.58929 -0.04911 2 2
TOOTBLANs 123 84 17 103 104 17 0.58705 0.49777 -0.08929 3 8
Domo Farm-Frites 119 84 21 103 104 17 0.57813 0.49777 -0.08036 4 9
Yankees # 1 120 89 15 103 103 18 0.56920 0.50000 -0.06920 5 7
aylers angels 116 86 22 115 98 11 0.56696 0.53795 -0.02902 6 5
Half Boners/jacobk 116 89 19 124 83 17 0.56027 0.59152 0.03125 7 1
Slim Pug 113 90 21 110 94 20 0.55134 0.53571 -0.01563 8 6
Buschwick 113 92 19 115 88 21 0.54688 0.56027 0.01339 9 4
Husker Dudes /ericyu 111 96 17 98 114 12 0.53348 0.46429 -0.06920 10 13
Socialists 110 97 17 100 103 21 0.52902 0.49330 -0.03571 11 11
The Condors 100 105 19 101 109 14 0.48884 0.48214 -0.00670 12 12
growth pep. / zemus 99 111 14 104 106 14 0.47321 0.49554 0.02232 13 10
Baltz Street Boozers 91 104 29 90 114 20 0.47098 0.44643 -0.02455 14 14
Jeff Specific 85 122 17 84 120 20 0.41741 0.41964 0.00223 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 71 145 8 64 150 10 0.33482 0.30804 -0.02679 16 16

Monday, August 1, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 15

Total Stats
Buschwick 448 435 55 1324 .341 .456 28 622 18 12 2.88 1.07 8.80 55
Socialists 425 396 82 1332 .340 .421 34 752 21 33 3.05 1.12 9.31 48
Half Boners/jacobk 485 402 60 1285 .333 .395 58 893.1 47 35 3.62 1.20 8.22 53
STD High 475.96 472.56 75.91 1460.03 .333 .446 47.31 866.88 52.88 50.27 4.13 1.28 9.68 57.56
Yankees # 1 453 418 65 1377 .330 .436 46 865 38 14 3.56 1.14 9.66 68
Husker Dudes /ericyu 472 405 66 1378 .326 .422 38 790 33 57 4.20 1.30 9.00 34
aylers angels 426 420 58 1357 .325 .426 26 874.2 42 32 3.81 1.18 8.42 52
The Condors 492 488 74 1519 .325 .452 39 707.2 35 39 4.40 1.35 7.50 37
League Average 435.44 423.63 65.56 1342.31 .324 .425 34.69 782.77 36.94 34.25 3.68 1.20 9.05 48.88
Mr. Second Helping 419 530 76 1505 .324 .442 15 887 72 48 3.50 1.09 9.01 63
TOOTBLANs 457 428 64 1415 .323 .432 60 881.2 54 31 4.22 1.26 9.02 39
growth pep. / zemus 417 360 81 1255 .321 .396 19 783 48 46 3.84 1.20 9.40 49
Domo Farm-Frites 430 438 72 1395 .320 .427 45 780 29 63 3.42 1.17 8.94 48
svyatogornyj 479 485 40 1494 .319 .444 32 743.2 57 20 3.32 1.15 9.91 51
Baltz Street Boozers 442 405 66 1304 .317 .413 32 723.2 23 37 4.43 1.33 9.02 46
Jeff Specific 364 328 65 1125 .317 .379 28 748.1 22 40 3.55 1.17 10.02 44
Slim Pug 414 444 62 1304 .317 .424 31 825 38 38 3.55 1.18 8.89 48
STD Low 394.92 374.69 55.22 1224.60 .316 .404 22.07 698.66 20.99 18.23 3.23 1.12 8.41 40.19
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 344 396 63 1108 .313 .429 24 650.1 14 3 3.47 1.23 9.60 47

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.87 29.00 3.67 88.27 .341 .456 1.87 41.47 1.20 0.80 2.88 1.07 8.80 3.67
Socialists 28.33 26.40 5.47 88.80 .340 .421 2.27 50.13 1.40 2.20 3.05 1.12 9.31 3.20
Half Boners/jacobk 32.33 26.80 4.00 85.67 .333 .395 3.87 59.54 3.13 2.33 3.62 1.20 8.22 3.53
STD High 31.73 31.50 5.06 97.34 .333 .446 3.15 57.79 3.53 3.35 4.13 1.28 9.68 3.84
Yankees # 1 30.20 27.87 4.33 91.80 .330 .436 3.07 57.67 2.53 0.93 3.56 1.14 9.66 4.53
Husker Dudes /ericyu 31.47 27.00 4.40 91.87 .326 .422 2.53 52.67 2.20 3.80 4.20 1.30 9.00 2.27
aylers angels 28.40 28.00 3.87 90.47 .325 .426 1.73 58.28 2.80 2.13 3.81 1.18 8.42 3.47
The Condors 32.80 32.53 4.93 101.27 .325 .452 2.60 47.15 2.33 2.60 4.40 1.35 7.50 2.47
League Average 29.03 28.24 4.37 89.49 .324 .425 2.31 52.18 2.46 2.28 3.68 1.20 9.05 3.26
Mr. Second Helping 27.93 35.33 5.07 100.33 .324 .442 1.00 59.13 4.80 3.20 3.50 1.09 9.01 4.20
TOOTBLANs 30.47 28.53 4.27 94.33 .323 .432 4.00 58.75 3.60 2.07 4.22 1.26 9.02 2.60
growth pep. / zemus 27.80 24.00 5.40 83.67 .321 .396 1.27 52.20 3.20 3.07 3.84 1.20 9.40 3.27
Domo Farm-Frites 28.67 29.20 4.80 93.00 .320 .427 3.00 52.00 1.93 4.20 3.42 1.17 8.94 3.20
svyatogornyj 31.93 32.33 2.67 99.60 .319 .444 2.13 49.55 3.80 1.33 3.32 1.15 9.91 3.40
Baltz Street Boozers 29.47 27.00 4.40 86.93 .317 .413 2.13 48.21 1.53 2.47 4.43 1.33 9.02 3.07
Jeff Specific 24.27 21.87 4.33 75.00 .317 .379 1.87 49.87 1.47 2.67 3.55 1.17 10.02 2.93
Slim Pug 27.60 29.60 4.13 86.93 .317 .424 2.07 55.00 2.53 2.53 3.55 1.18 8.89 3.20
STD Low 26.33 24.98 3.68 81.64 .316 .404 1.47 46.58 1.40 1.22 3.23 1.12 8.41 2.68
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 22.93 26.40 4.20 73.87 .313 .429 1.60 43.34 0.93 0.20 3.47 1.23 9.60 3.13

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 130 62 18 115 83 12 0.66190 0.57619 -0.08571 1 3
svyatogornyj 128 66 16 116 77 17 0.64762 0.59286 -0.05476 2 1
TOOTBLANs 115 79 16 100 94 16 0.58571 0.51429 -0.07143 3 7
Domo Farm-Frites 110 79 21 97 97 16 0.57381 0.50000 -0.07381 4 8
Yankees # 1 113 82 15 97 97 16 0.57381 0.50000 -0.07381 5 9
aylers angels 107 83 20 103 96 11 0.55714 0.51667 -0.04048 6 6
Half Boners/jacobk 106 87 17 114 80 16 0.54524 0.58095 0.03571 7 2
Husker Dudes /ericyu 106 88 16 94 105 11 0.54286 0.47381 -0.06905 8 13
Buschwick 104 87 19 106 84 20 0.54048 0.55238 0.01190 9 4
Slim Pug 103 88 19 103 88 19 0.53571 0.53571 0.00000 10 5
Socialists 101 93 16 93 98 19 0.51905 0.48810 -0.03095 11 11
The Condors 96 97 17 95 102 13 0.49762 0.48333 -0.01429 12 12
growth pep. / zemus 91 105 14 98 100 12 0.46667 0.49524 0.02857 13 10
Baltz Street Boozers 83 99 28 85 107 18 0.46190 0.44762 -0.01429 14 14
Jeff Specific 78 115 17 80 112 18 0.41190 0.42381 0.01190 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 69 133 8 62 138 10 0.34762 0.31905 -0.02857 16 16