Monday, June 27, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 11

Total Stats
Buschwick 326 325 40 962 .349 .455 14 440.2 11 11 2.80 1.08 8.86 38
Mr. Second Helping 309 397 48 1127 .335 .458 17 635 48 35 3.61 1.09 9.07 43
Socialists 309 280 55 948 .335 .414 16 531.1 13 26 2.71 1.09 8.88 37
Yankees # 1 330 316 48 1020 .335 .444 36 589 29 8 3.58 1.15 9.73 46
STD High 340.46 346.89 53.24 1039.51 .335 .444 33.05 621.30 38.80 37.20 4.18 1.29 9.59 40.48
Baltz Street Boozers 325 304 48 970 .327 .426 18 495.2 15 29 4.39 1.37 9.02 31
Husker Dudes /ericyu 338 280 52 967 .327 .412 24 528.2 23 44 4.61 1.30 8.49 20
Half Boners/jacobk 334 298 36 913 .326 .395 40 635.2 33 30 3.72 1.23 8.37 33
TOOTBLANs 349 318 46 1033 .326 .443 40 633.1 40 17 4.08 1.30 8.31 27
League Average 313.88 308.38 46.81 963.56 .325 .423 24.31 559.13 26.56 24.88 3.66 1.20 8.95 34.00
svyatogornyj 348 340 32 1056 .323 .441 25 524 45 14 3.38 1.13 10.12 30
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 267 306 48 862 .319 .430 22 475.2 12 2 3.58 1.22 9.23 31
growth pep. / zemus 293 254 55 888 .319 .393 20 550.2 40 36 3.61 1.16 9.33 35
aylers angels 297 298 47 948 .318 .411 17 616.2 34 20 3.79 1.19 8.65 37
Jeff Specific 256 229 47 813 .318 .383 17 559.1 19 24 3.28 1.14 9.88 35
Domo Farm-Frites 321 326 51 985 .316 .414 35 590.2 16 45 3.55 1.21 8.69 37
Slim Pug 298 347 43 940 .316 .419 23 632 26 30 3.52 1.20 8.97 38
STD Low 287.29 269.86 40.38 887.61 .316 .401 15.57 496.96 14.32 12.55 3.14 1.11 8.31 27.52
The Condors 322 316 53 985 .313 .423 25 512.2 21 27 4.39 1.31 7.57 26

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.64 29.55 3.64 87.45 .349 .455 1.27 40.02 1.00 1.00 2.80 1.08 8.86 3.45
Mr. Second Helping 28.09 36.09 4.36 102.45 .335 .458 1.55 57.73 4.36 3.18 3.61 1.09 9.07 3.91
Socialists 28.09 25.45 5.00 86.18 .335 .414 1.45 48.28 1.18 2.36 2.71 1.09 8.88 3.36
Yankees # 1 30.00 28.73 4.36 92.73 .335 .444 3.27 53.55 2.64 0.73 3.58 1.15 9.73 4.18
STD High 30.95 31.54 4.84 94.50 .335 .444 3.00 56.48 3.53 3.38 4.18 1.29 9.59 3.68
Baltz Street Boozers 29.55 27.64 4.36 88.18 .327 .426 1.64 45.02 1.36 2.64 4.39 1.37 9.02 2.82
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.73 25.45 4.73 87.91 .327 .412 2.18 48.02 2.09 4.00 4.61 1.30 8.49 1.82
Half Boners/jacobk 30.36 27.09 3.27 83.00 .326 .395 3.64 57.75 3.00 2.73 3.72 1.23 8.37 3.00
TOOTBLANs 31.73 28.91 4.18 93.91 .326 .443 3.64 57.55 3.64 1.55 4.08 1.30 8.31 2.45
League Average 28.53 28.03 4.26 87.60 .325 .423 2.21 50.83 2.41 2.26 3.66 1.20 8.95 3.09
svyatogornyj 31.64 30.91 2.91 96.00 .323 .441 2.27 47.64 4.09 1.27 3.38 1.13 10.12 2.73
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 24.27 27.82 4.36 78.36 .319 .430 2.00 43.20 1.09 0.18 3.58 1.22 9.23 2.82
growth pep. / zemus 26.64 23.09 5.00 80.73 .319 .393 1.82 50.02 3.64 3.27 3.61 1.16 9.33 3.18
aylers angels 27.00 27.09 4.27 86.18 .318 .411 1.55 56.02 3.09 1.82 3.79 1.19 8.65 3.36
Jeff Specific 23.27 20.82 4.27 73.91 .318 .383 1.55 50.83 1.73 2.18 3.28 1.14 9.88 3.18
Domo Farm-Frites 29.18 29.64 4.64 89.55 .316 .414 3.18 53.65 1.45 4.09 3.55 1.21 8.69 3.36
Slim Pug 27.09 31.55 3.91 85.45 .316 .419 2.09 57.45 2.36 2.73 3.52 1.20 8.97 3.45
STD Low 26.12 24.53 3.67 80.69 .316 .401 1.42 45.18 1.30 1.14 3.14 1.11 8.31 2.50
The Condors 29.27 28.73 4.82 89.55 .313 .423 2.27 46.56 1.91 2.45 4.39 1.31 7.57 2.36

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 105 34 15 82 62 10 0.73052 0.56494 -0.16558 1 2
svyatogornyj 93 48 13 81 63 10 0.64610 0.55844 -0.08766 2 4
Domo Farm-Frites 83 55 16 72 68 14 0.59091 0.51299 -0.07792 3 8
TOOTBLANs 84 57 13 75 66 13 0.58766 0.52922 -0.05844 4 6
Yankees # 1 85 59 10 74 68 12 0.58442 0.51948 -0.06494 5 7
Slim Pug 81 60 13 80 63 11 0.56818 0.55519 -0.01299 6 5
Buschwick 79 62 13 80 61 13 0.55519 0.56169 0.00649 7 3
Half Boners/jacobk 79 62 13 89 54 11 0.55519 0.61364 0.05844 8 1
aylers angels 73 66 15 74 72 8 0.52273 0.50649 -0.01623 9 9
Socialists 75 69 10 66 74 14 0.51948 0.47403 -0.04545 10 12
Husker Dudes /ericyu 74 69 11 62 85 7 0.51623 0.42532 -0.09091 11 15
growth pep. / zemus 73 74 7 73 73 8 0.49675 0.50000 0.00325 12 10
Baltz Street Boozers 62 70 22 68 74 12 0.47403 0.48052 0.00649 13 11
The Condors 67 75 12 63 84 7 0.47403 0.43182 -0.04221 14 14
Jeff Specific 58 80 16 62 82 10 0.42857 0.43506 0.00649 15 13
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 55 92 7 47 99 8 0.37987 0.33117 -0.04870 16 16

Monday, June 20, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 10

Total Stats
Buschwick 298 282 38 860 .347 .442 12 410.2 11 9 2.76 1.08 9.07 36
Mr. Second Helping 283 367 44 1032 .336 .456 15 577 44 35 3.65 1.10 8.94 37
STD High 309.09 318.72 49.67 944.50 .333 .441 30.47 567.18 34.91 33.21 4.17 1.29 9.61 36.71
Yankees # 1 304 286 45 928 .333 .440 33 541.2 28 8 3.64 1.15 9.77 42
Socialists 273 244 52 834 .329 .398 13 492 13 24 2.76 1.09 8.67 33
svyatogornyj 319 313 30 982 .329 .451 23 461.1 37 11 3.39 1.14 10.07 23
Baltz Street Boozers 288 274 45 869 .326 .420 18 437.2 13 25 4.61 1.40 9.11 27
Half Boners/jacobk 304 272 36 830 .325 .395 35 585.1 30 29 3.69 1.23 8.36 30
League Average 286.19 281.06 43.75 874.44 .324 .419 22.13 510.93 24.13 22.00 3.65 1.20 8.93 30.75
TOOTBLANs 316 296 43 933 .324 .440 39 579.2 36 14 3.77 1.26 8.32 26
Husker Dudes /ericyu 304 258 47 859 .322 .403 18 490 23 40 4.65 1.32 8.32 18
growth pep. / zemus 269 227 49 811 .321 .397 17 502.1 36 29 3.53 1.14 9.33 33
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 253 292 46 820 .319 .431 20 445.1 12 2 3.54 1.21 9.22 29
Jeff Specific 231 205 43 737 .319 .381 18 512.1 18 20 3.30 1.13 9.96 31
aylers angels 280 276 45 878 .317 .415 16 560.2 32 16 3.82 1.20 8.57 33
Slim Pug 276 319 37 848 .315 .412 22 575 23 27 3.44 1.19 9.02 35
STD Low 263.28 243.40 37.83 804.38 .315 .397 13.78 454.67 13.34 10.79 3.13 1.11 8.25 24.79
Domo Farm-Frites 292 295 49 881 .314 .406 33 536.1 12 38 3.64 1.21 8.74 34
The Condors 289 291 51 889 .311 .420 22 471.2 18 25 4.16 1.31 7.40 25

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.80 28.20 3.80 86.00 .347 .442 1.20 41.02 1.10 0.90 2.76 1.08 9.07 3.60
Mr. Second Helping 28.30 36.70 4.40 103.20 .336 .456 1.50 57.70 4.40 3.50 3.65 1.10 8.94 3.70
STD High 30.91 31.87 4.97 94.45 .333 .441 3.05 56.72 3.49 3.32 4.17 1.29 9.61 3.67
Yankees # 1 30.40 28.60 4.50 92.80 .333 .440 3.30 54.12 2.80 0.80 3.64 1.15 9.77 4.20
Socialists 27.30 24.40 5.20 83.40 .329 .398 1.30 49.20 1.30 2.40 2.76 1.09 8.67 3.30
svyatogornyj 31.90 31.30 3.00 98.20 .329 .451 2.30 46.11 3.70 1.10 3.39 1.14 10.07 2.30
Baltz Street Boozers 28.80 27.40 4.50 86.90 .326 .420 1.80 43.72 1.30 2.50 4.61 1.40 9.11 2.70
Half Boners/jacobk 30.40 27.20 3.60 83.00 .325 .395 3.50 58.51 3.00 2.90 3.69 1.23 8.36 3.00
League Average 28.62 28.11 4.38 87.44 .324 .419 2.21 51.09 2.41 2.20 3.65 1.20 8.93 3.08
TOOTBLANs 31.60 29.60 4.30 93.30 .324 .440 3.90 57.92 3.60 1.40 3.77 1.26 8.32 2.60
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.40 25.80 4.70 85.90 .322 .403 1.80 49.00 2.30 4.00 4.65 1.32 8.32 1.80
growth pep. / zemus 26.90 22.70 4.90 81.10 .321 .397 1.70 50.21 3.60 2.90 3.53 1.14 9.33 3.30
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 25.30 29.20 4.60 82.00 .319 .431 2.00 44.51 1.20 0.20 3.54 1.21 9.22 2.90
Jeff Specific 23.10 20.50 4.30 73.70 .319 .381 1.80 51.21 1.80 2.00 3.30 1.13 9.96 3.10
aylers angels 28.00 27.60 4.50 87.80 .317 .415 1.60 56.02 3.20 1.60 3.82 1.20 8.57 3.30
Slim Pug 27.60 31.90 3.70 84.80 .315 .412 2.20 57.50 2.30 2.70 3.44 1.19 9.02 3.50
STD Low 26.33 24.34 3.78 80.44 .315 .397 1.38 45.47 1.33 1.08 3.13 1.11 8.25 2.48
Domo Farm-Frites 29.20 29.50 4.90 88.10 .314 .406 3.30 53.61 1.20 3.80 3.64 1.21 8.74 3.40
The Condors 28.90 29.10 5.10 88.90 .311 .420 2.20 47.12 1.80 2.50 4.16 1.31 7.40 2.50

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 96 31 13 77 54 9 0.73214 0.58214 -0.15000 1 2
svyatogornyj 84 45 11 76 57 7 0.63929 0.56786 -0.07143 2 3
TOOTBLANs 76 51 13 70 59 11 0.58929 0.53929 -0.05000 3 7
Slim Pug 74 54 12 73 58 9 0.57143 0.55357 -0.01786 4 5
Yankees # 1 75 55 10 72 59 9 0.57143 0.54643 -0.02500 5 6
Domo Farm-Frites 72 54 14 66 63 11 0.56429 0.51071 -0.05357 6 8
Half Boners/jacobk 72 57 11 81 49 10 0.55357 0.61429 0.06071 7 1
Buschwick 71 58 11 72 56 12 0.54643 0.55714 0.01071 8 4
aylers angels 65 61 14 66 66 8 0.51429 0.50000 -0.01429 9 10
growth pep. / zemus 69 65 6 67 65 8 0.51429 0.50714 -0.00714 10 9
Husker Dudes /ericyu 66 63 11 55 79 6 0.51071 0.41429 -0.09643 11 15
Socialists 64 67 9 57 72 11 0.48929 0.44643 -0.04286 12 12
The Condors 60 69 11 57 72 11 0.46786 0.44643 -0.02143 13 13
Baltz Street Boozers 51 68 21 57 71 12 0.43929 0.45000 0.01071 14 11
Jeff Specific 54 71 15 56 75 9 0.43929 0.43214 -0.00714 15 14
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 53 81 6 44 88 8 0.40000 0.34286 -0.05714 16 16

Monday, June 13, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 9

Total Stats
Buschwick 266 256 35 779 .345 .443 9 366.2 11 9 2.60 1.04 9.08 32
Mr. Second Helping 260 332 36 950 .333 .459 15 507.2 38 33 3.69 1.12 8.85 33
STD High 278.72 285.38 46.31 851.05 .332 .438 26.92 511.02 31.33 30.75 4.26 1.30 9.58 32.87
Yankees # 1 276 252 40 845 .331 .439 32 489.1 27 7 3.77 1.16 9.84 37
Socialists 250 227 48 772 .328 .408 11 451 13 22 2.55 1.08 8.68 31
Half Boners/jacobk 275 248 33 739 .327 .395 26 521 26 26 3.97 1.28 8.24 24
Baltz Street Boozers 258 241 39 771 .326 .415 17 395.1 12 23 4.67 1.41 9.29 23
svyatogornyj 292 289 26 883 .325 .446 22 421.2 34 10 3.42 1.14 9.73 21
TOOTBLANs 274 259 41 819 .325 .434 32 530.2 31 14 3.90 1.26 8.17 23
League Average 256.56 251.94 40.00 783.88 .323 .416 19.69 461.87 21.69 20.31 3.67 1.20 8.90 27.44
Husker Dudes /ericyu 275 240 44 775 .320 .400 14 445.2 20 36 4.75 1.34 8.26 15
growth pep. / zemus 239 199 46 715 .319 .388 14 448 35 26 3.60 1.15 9.44 28
Jeff Specific 201 185 42 672 .319 .386 17 466.2 18 17 3.28 1.13 9.89 28
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 226 250 42 729 .317 .420 21 410.1 9 2 3.49 1.21 9.15 27
aylers angels 255 256 39 794 .317 .414 16 506.2 28 13 3.84 1.20 8.69 30
Slim Pug 242 276 33 734 .316 .400 20 520.1 19 26 3.48 1.21 8.98 31
STD Low 234.41 218.49 33.69 716.70 .313 .394 12.45 412.72 12.04 9.88 3.08 1.10 8.21 22.01
Domo Farm-Frites 263 261 46 785 .312 .401 31 482.1 11 36 3.58 1.21 8.75 31
The Condors 253 260 50 780 .303 .411 18 431 15 25 4.07 1.28 7.33 25

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.56 28.44 3.89 86.56 .345 .443 1.00 40.69 1.22 1.00 2.60 1.04 9.08 3.56
Mr. Second Helping 28.89 36.89 4.00 105.56 .333 .459 1.67 56.36 4.22 3.67 3.69 1.12 8.85 3.67
STD High 30.97 31.71 5.15 94.56 .332 .438 2.99 56.78 3.48 3.42 4.26 1.30 9.58 3.65
Yankees # 1 30.67 28.00 4.44 93.89 .331 .439 3.56 54.34 3.00 0.78 3.77 1.16 9.84 4.11
Socialists 27.78 25.22 5.33 85.78 .328 .408 1.22 50.11 1.44 2.44 2.55 1.08 8.68 3.44
Half Boners/jacobk 30.56 27.56 3.67 82.11 .327 .395 2.89 57.89 2.89 2.89 3.97 1.28 8.24 2.67
Baltz Street Boozers 28.67 26.78 4.33 85.67 .326 .415 1.89 43.90 1.33 2.56 4.67 1.41 9.29 2.56
svyatogornyj 32.44 32.11 2.89 98.11 .325 .446 2.44 46.80 3.78 1.11 3.42 1.14 9.73 2.33
TOOTBLANs 30.44 28.78 4.56 91.00 .325 .434 3.56 58.91 3.44 1.56 3.90 1.26 8.17 2.56
League Average 28.51 27.99 4.44 87.10 .323 .416 2.19 51.32 2.41 2.26 3.67 1.20 8.90 3.05
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.56 26.67 4.89 86.11 .320 .400 1.56 49.47 2.22 4.00 4.75 1.34 8.26 1.67
growth pep. / zemus 26.56 22.11 5.11 79.44 .319 .388 1.56 49.78 3.89 2.89 3.60 1.15 9.44 3.11
Jeff Specific 22.33 20.56 4.67 74.67 .319 .386 1.89 51.80 2.00 1.89 3.28 1.13 9.89 3.11
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 25.11 27.78 4.67 81.00 .317 .420 2.33 45.57 1.00 0.22 3.49 1.21 9.15 3.00
aylers angels 28.33 28.44 4.33 88.22 .317 .414 1.78 56.24 3.11 1.44 3.84 1.20 8.69 3.33
Slim Pug 26.89 30.67 3.67 81.56 .316 .400 2.22 57.79 2.11 2.89 3.48 1.21 8.98 3.44
STD Low 26.05 24.28 3.74 79.63 .313 .394 1.38 45.86 1.34 1.10 3.08 1.10 8.21 2.45
Domo Farm-Frites 29.22 29.00 5.11 87.22 .312 .401 3.44 53.57 1.22 4.00 3.58 1.21 8.75 3.44
The Condors 28.11 28.89 5.56 86.67 .303 .411 2.00 47.89 1.67 2.78 4.07 1.28 7.33 2.78

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 87 27 12 69 49 8 0.73810 0.57937 -0.15873 1 2
svyatogornyj 77 40 9 70 51 5 0.64683 0.57540 -0.07143 2 3
TOOTBLANs 66 48 12 60 56 10 0.57143 0.51587 -0.05556 3 9
Yankees # 1 66 51 9 66 53 7 0.55952 0.55159 -0.00794 4 5
Buschwick 64 51 11 67 48 11 0.55159 0.57540 0.02381 5 4
Domo Farm-Frites 64 51 11 61 55 10 0.55159 0.52381 -0.02778 6 7
Slim Pug 64 52 10 62 56 8 0.54762 0.52381 -0.02381 7 8
aylers angels 60 53 13 64 55 7 0.52778 0.53571 0.00794 8 6
Half Boners/jacobk 61 54 11 72 44 10 0.52778 0.61111 0.08333 9 1
Socialists 63 57 6 56 59 11 0.52381 0.48810 -0.03571 10 10
Husker Dudes /ericyu 56 60 10 52 69 5 0.48413 0.43254 -0.05159 11 13
growth pep. / zemus 57 63 6 54 64 8 0.47619 0.46032 -0.01587 12 11
The Condors 52 63 11 50 71 5 0.45635 0.41667 -0.03968 13 14
Baltz Street Boozers 45 61 20 52 62 12 0.43651 0.46032 0.02381 14 12
Jeff Specific 48 64 14 47 70 9 0.43651 0.40873 -0.02778 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 47 75 4 39 79 8 0.38889 0.34127 -0.04762 16 16

Monday, June 6, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 8

Total Stats
Buschwick 238 223 32 697 .344 .445 8 330 11 8 2.86 1.06 9.11 29
STD High 247.30 250.82 41.59 748.33 .331 .432 24.27 461.35 28.81 27.32 4.20 1.28 9.60 29.30
Socialists 226 201 43 679 .328 .401 10 404.1 11 19 2.58 1.06 8.75 27
Mr. Second Helping 231 295 33 841 .327 .452 13 465.1 36 29 3.75 1.13 8.72 29
Yankees # 1 241 215 35 736 .327 .430 24 433 27 6 3.72 1.16 9.98 31
Baltz Street Boozers 231 221 36 693 .326 .411 15 364 12 21 4.30 1.35 9.32 23
Half Boners/jacobk 240 219 31 645 .325 .388 24 477.1 25 22 4.07 1.28 7.94 23
svyatogornyj 260 250 25 771 .325 .435 19 382 31 9 3.53 1.13 9.73 20
TOOTBLANs 247 229 37 727 .323 .426 33 474 29 14 3.78 1.24 8.13 20
League Average 227.37 222.75 36.18 692.31 .321 .411 17.5625 415.5 20 18 3.66 1.19 8.88 24.43
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 204 229 40 659 .319 .424 20 386.2 9 1 3.38 1.19 9.17 25
Slim Pug 216 249 28 658 .319 .402 18 480.1 18 22 3.49 1.21 9.05 28
growth pep. / zemus 214 185 41 650 .318 .390 11 384 30 21 3.73 1.16 9.38 23
Jeff Specific 178 171 37 604 .316 .386 16 415.1 18 15 3.27 1.15 9.82 26
Husker Dudes /ericyu 245 208 41 675 .315 .390 15 385 18 33 4.93 1.36 8.11 11
aylers angels 223 216 35 692 .314 .404 13 458.1 23 12 3.75 1.18 8.56 26
STD Low 207.45194.67 30.78 636.29 .310 .389 10.85 369.64 11.19 8.67 3.11 1.10 8.17 19.57
Domo Farm-Frites 235 235 42 690 .310 .394 27 431.1 10 32 3.38 1.16 8.95 28
The Condors 209 218 43 660 .295 .395 15 379.1 12 24 3.99 1.29 7.43 22

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.75 27.88 4.00 87.13 .344 .445 1.00 41.25 1.38 1.00 2.86 1.06 9.11 3.63
STD High 30.91 31.35 5.20 93.54 .331 .432 3.03 57.67 3.60 3.42 4.20 1.28 9.60 3.66
Socialists 28.25 25.13 5.38 84.88 .328 .401 1.25 50.51 1.38 2.38 2.58 1.06 8.75 3.38
Mr. Second Helping 28.88 36.88 4.13 105.13 .327 .452 1.63 58.14 4.50 3.63 3.75 1.13 8.72 3.63
Yankees # 1 30.13 26.88 4.38 92.00 .327 .430 3.00 54.13 3.38 0.75 3.72 1.16 9.98 3.88
Baltz Street Boozers 28.88 27.63 4.50 86.63 .326 .411 1.88 45.50 1.50 2.63 4.30 1.35 9.32 2.88
Half Boners/jacobk 30.00 27.38 3.88 80.63 .325 .388 3.00 59.64 3.13 2.75 4.07 1.28 7.94 2.88
svyatogornyj 32.50 31.25 3.13 96.38 .325 .435 2.38 47.75 3.88 1.13 3.53 1.13 9.73 2.50
TOOTBLANs 30.88 28.63 4.63 90.88 .323 .426 4.13 59.25 3.63 1.75 3.78 1.24 8.13 2.50
League Average 28.42 27.84 4.52 86.54 .321 .411 2.20 51.94 2.50 2.25 3.66 1.19 8.88 3.05
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 25.50 28.63 5.00 82.38 .319 .424 2.50 48.28 1.13 0.13 3.38 1.19 9.17 3.13
Slim Pug 27.00 31.13 3.50 82.25 .319 .402 2.25 60.01 2.25 2.75 3.49 1.21 9.05 3.50
growth pep. / zemus 26.75 23.13 5.13 81.25 .318 .390 1.38 48.00 3.75 2.63 3.73 1.16 9.38 2.88
Jeff Specific 22.25 21.38 4.63 75.50 .316 .386 2.00 51.89 2.25 1.88 3.27 1.15 9.82 3.25
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.63 26.00 5.13 84.38 .315 .390 1.88 48.13 2.25 4.13 4.93 1.36 8.11 1.38
aylers angels 27.88 27.00 4.38 86.50 .314 .404 1.63 57.26 2.88 1.50 3.75 1.18 8.56 3.25
STD Low 25.93 24.33 3.85 79.54 .310 .389 1.36 46.21 1.40 1.08 3.11 1.10 8.17 2.45
Domo Farm-Frites 29.38 29.38 5.25 86.25 .310 .394 3.38 53.89 1.25 4.00 3.38 1.16 8.95 3.50
The Condors 26.13 27.25 5.38 82.50 .295 .395 1.88 47.39 1.50 3.00 3.99 1.29 7.43 2.75

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 76 26 10 61 45 6 0.72321 0.57143 -0.15179 1 3
svyatogornyj 67 36 9 64 44 4 0.63839 0.58929 -0.04911 2 1
TOOTBLANs 61 43 8 51 51 10 0.58036 0.50000 -0.08036 3 9
Slim Pug 60 44 8 57 49 6 0.57143 0.53571 -0.03571 4 7
Yankees # 1 57 46 9 62 45 5 0.54911 0.57589 0.02679 6 2
Buschwick 57 46 9 59 44 9 0.54911 0.56696 0.01786 5 4
Domo Farm-Frites 57 47 8 57 46 9 0.54464 0.54911 0.00446 7 6
Socialists 57 51 4 49 54 9 0.52679 0.47768 -0.04911 8 10
Half Boners/jacobk 52 50 10 59 44 9 0.50893 0.56696 0.05804 10 5
aylers angels 51 49 12 57 49 6 0.50893 0.53571 0.02679 9 8
growth pep. / zemus 48 58 6 47 58 7 0.45536 0.45089 -0.00446 11 12
Baltz Street Boozers 41 54 17 48 54 10 0.44196 0.47321 0.03125 12 11
Husker Dudes /ericyu 45 58 9 46 62 4 0.44196 0.42857 -0.01339 13 13
Jeff Specific 43 56 13 42 61 9 0.44196 0.41518 -0.02679 14 14
The Condors 44 58 10 41 67 4 0.43750 0.38393 -0.05357 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 46 62 4 39 66 7 0.42857 0.37946 -0.04911 16 16