Monday, May 9, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 5

Total Stats
Slim Pug 167 157 15 531 .366 .511 11 229 24 10 3.22 1.26 7.98 16
Baltz Street Boozers 157 152 21 489 .364 .493 10 265.2 2 23 3.73 1.31 8.57 20
STD High 155.37 152.32 27.88 490.95 .352 .482 13.81 308.50 21.88 18.21 4.31 1.32 9.04 24.21
Drilling for Feces 144 122 25 427 .351 .417 9 345 0 21 4.49 1.37 7.83 27
Wade Boggs Challenge 127 133 30 421 .351 .418 11 219 2 15 3.41 1.26 9.08 15
GS Orioles/andy k 136 158 24 478 .341 .503 7 258.2 18 5 4.70 1.35 7.93 19
Meet The Debts 169 135 16 476 .341 .434 16 243 19 8 4.30 1.30 8.04 17
Socialists 123 131 32 447 .341 .452 21 310 9 14 3.25 1.15 9.00 28
Buschwick 118 98 25 372 .340 .404 4 312.2 26 9 3.37 1.28 8.69 19
Jeff Specific 146 170 15 497 .340 .483 8 248.2 19 17 4.74 1.33 10.06 13
aylers angels 150 125 23 450 .338 .452 9 243.2 16 8 3.58 1.30 8.38 16
League Average 135.89 131.44 23.06 438.17 .335 .437 8.67 265.88 13.33 12.56 3.73 1.25 8.44 18.72
Husker Dudes /ericyu 139 107 26 388 .329 .406 9 235 13 21 4.02 1.23 9.15 10
Sogard's CPAs 161 146 20 450 .329 .446 12 296.1 7 16 4.10 1.30 8.08 22
412LumberCo./fsblnks 127 127 26 469 .326 .457 4 246.2 28 2 2.88 1.18 7.74 20
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 106 111 25 345 .323 .358 4 191.2 4 9 3.57 1.15 8.36 11
Yankees # 1 132 152 18 482 .321 .462 1 258.1 16 14 3.83 1.20 8.19 20
STD Low 116.41 110.57 18.24 385.38 .319 .392 3.52 223.27 4.79 6.90 3.15 1.18 7.85 13.24
The Condors 113 107 26 363 .316 .388 3 239 19 11 3.24 1.19 7.95 15
Bro Hymn Tribute 112 128 22 433 .310 .420 3 335.1 10 13 2.79 1.12 8.72 30
Half Boners/jacobk 119 107 26 369 .310 .360 14 312.2 8 10 3.86 1.21 8.23 19

Average Stats
Slim Pug 33.40 31.40 3.00 106.20 .366 .511 2.20 45.80 4.80 2.00 3.22 1.26 7.98 3.20
Baltz Street Boozers 31.40 30.40 4.20 97.80 .364 .493 2.00 53.04 0.40 4.60 3.73 1.31 8.57 4.00
STD High 31.07 30.46 5.58 98.19 .352 .482 2.76 61.70 4.38 3.64 4.31 1.32 9.04 4.84
Drilling for Feces 28.80 24.40 5.00 85.40 .351 .417 1.80 69.00 - 4.20 4.49 1.37 7.83 5.40
Wade Boggs Challenge 25.40 26.60 6.00 84.20 .351 .418 2.20 43.80 0.40 3.00 3.41 1.26 9.08 3.00
GS Orioles/andy k 27.20 31.60 4.80 95.60 .341 .503 1.40 51.64 3.60 1.00 4.70 1.35 7.93 3.80
Meet The Debts 33.80 27.00 3.20 95.20 .341 .434 3.20 48.60 3.80 1.60 4.30 1.30 8.04 3.40
Socialists 24.60 26.20 6.40 89.40 .341 .452 4.20 62.00 1.80 2.80 3.25 1.15 9.00 5.60
Buschwick 23.60 19.60 5.00 74.40 .340 .404 0.80 62.44 5.20 1.80 3.37 1.28 8.69 3.80
Jeff Specific 29.20 34.00 3.00 99.40 .340 .483 1.60 49.64 3.80 3.40 4.74 1.33 10.06 2.60
aylers angels 30.00 25.00 4.60 90.00 .338 .452 1.80 48.64 3.20 1.60 3.58 1.30 8.38 3.20
League Average 27.18 26.29 4.61 87.63 .335 .437 1.73 53.18 2.67 2.51 3.73 1.25 8.44 3.74
Husker Dudes /ericyu 27.80 21.40 5.20 77.60 .329 .406 1.80 47.00 2.60 4.20 4.02 1.23 9.15 2.00
Sogard's CPAs 32.20 29.20 4.00 90.00 .329 .446 2.40 59.22 1.40 3.20 4.10 1.30 8.08 4.40
412LumberCo./fsblnks 25.40 25.40 5.20 93.80 .326 .457 0.80 49.24 5.60 0.40 2.88 1.18 7.74 4.00
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 21.20 22.20 5.00 69.00 .323 .358 0.80 38.24 0.80 1.80 3.57 1.15 8.36 2.20
Yankees # 1 26.40 30.40 3.60 96.40 .321 .462 0.20 51.62 3.20 2.80 3.83 1.20 8.19 4.00
STD Low 23.28 22.11 3.65 77.08 .319 .392 0.70 44.65 0.96 1.38 3.15 1.18 7.85 2.65
The Condors 22.60 21.40 5.20 72.60 .316 .388 0.60 47.80 3.80 2.20 3.24 1.19 7.95 3.00
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.40 25.60 4.40 86.60 .310 .420 0.60 67.02 2.00 2.60 2.79 1.12 8.72 6.00
Half Boners/jacobk 23.80 21.40 5.20 73.80 .310 .360 2.80 62.44 1.60 2.00 3.86 1.21 8.23 3.80

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Slim Pug 41 22 7 39 27 4 0.63571 0.58571 -0.05000 1 3
Jeff Specific 39 24 7 38 27 5 0.60714 0.57857 -0.02857 2 5
Baltz Street Boozers 39 28 3 39 29 2 0.57857 0.57143 -0.00714 3 6
Bro Hymn Tribute 35 25 10 27 37 6 0.57143 0.42857 -0.14286 4 16
Socialists 38 29 3 38 25 7 0.56429 0.59286 0.02857 5 2
Sogard's CPAs 36 27 7 31 36 3 0.56429 0.46429 -0.10000 6 12
aylers angels 35 29 6 37 28 5 0.54286 0.56429 0.02143 7 7
412LumberCo./fsblnks 31 31 8 39 27 4 0.50000 0.58571 0.08571 8 4
Yankees # 1 30 32 8 43 24 3 0.48571 0.63571 0.15000 9 1
Buschwick 30 35 5 33 34 3 0.46429 0.49286 0.02857 10 10
Drilling for Feces 29 36 5 32 34 4 0.45000 0.48571 0.03571 11 11
GS Orioles/andy k 27 34 9 36 29 5 0.45000 0.55000 0.10000 12 8
Meet The Debts 27 34 9 35 31 4 0.45000 0.52857 0.07857 13 9
Husker Dudes /ericyu 25 41 4 28 37 5 0.38571 0.43571 0.05000 14 15
Wade Boggs Challenge 24 41 5 31 36 3 0.37857 0.46429 0.08571 15 13
The Condors 23 41 6 15 49 6 0.37143 0.25714 -0.11429 16 18
Half Boners/jacobk 20 42 8 29 37 4 0.34286 0.44286 0.10000 17 14
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 21 46 3 23 46 1 0.32143 0.33571 0.01429 18 17

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