Monday, May 23, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 7

Total Stats
Slim Pug 233 218 24 724 .370 .496 15 345 32 16 3.89 1.34 7.85 23
Baltz Street Boozers 223 221 29 704 .364 .496 14 376.1 3 32 4.04 1.32 8.35 26
Drilling for Feces 208 162 32 592 .356 .420 17 504.1 5 25 4.19 1.30 7.89 39
STD High 215.07 211.07 37.14 685.40 .351 .479 18.00 435.29 30.40 25.79 4.16 1.32 9.11 33.76
GS Orioles/andy k 194 227 33 695 .348 .518 10 376.1 23 9 4.33 1.33 7.75 27
aylers angels 214 195 33 654 .344 .467 8 359.1 26 16 3.83 1.29 8.52 23
Meet The Debts 225 204 28 697 .342 .451 17 339 25 11 4.01 1.24 7.75 24
Socialists 179 174 45 611 .335 .434 25 434 14 16 3.28 1.15 8.73 40
League Average 189.67 185.56 31.28 614.28 .334 .437 11.67 377.59 18.83 18.28 3.77 1.25 8.41 26.67
Wade Boggs Challenge 168 184 37 556 .333 .402 20 314 2 18 3.73 1.26 9.37 23
412LumberCo./fsblnks 182 185 32 648 .331 .455 4 333.2 35 5 3.18 1.19 7.74 26
Jeff Specific 188 219 20 660 .331 .457 13 372.1 23 27 3.99 1.28 10.27 24
Yankees # 1 198 211 24 675 .327 .468 1 355 26 21 3.70 1.25 8.11 28
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 147 156 39 475 .325 .365 8 286.2 6 14 3.80 1.19 8.48 15
Buschwick 165 157 30 556 .324 .418 7 418.2 38 14 3.83 1.35 8.77 24
Half Boners/jacobk 192 173 35 576 .322 .393 18 457.1 11 14 3.70 1.20 8.01 32
Husker Dudes /ericyu 180 150 31 543 .320 .402 6 321.2 19 31 3.78 1.23 9.15 15
Sogard's CPAs 206 169 26 578 .320 .417 14 418 7 26 4.35 1.33 7.99 28
STD Low 164.27 160.05 25.42 543.16 .317 .396 5.33 319.90 7.27 10.76 3.38 1.18 7.71 19.57
The Condors 158 160 33 519 .316 .397 8 338.2 31 13 3.19 1.18 7.73 24
Bro Hymn Tribute 154 175 32 594 .308 .417 5 450.1 13 21 3.00 1.12 8.95 39

Average Stats
Slim Pug 33.29 31.14 3.43 103.43 .370 .496 2.14 49.29 4.57 2.29 3.89 1.34 7.85 3.29
Baltz Street Boozers 31.86 31.57 4.14 100.57 .364 .496 2.00 53.73 0.43 4.57 4.04 1.32 8.35 3.71
Drilling for Feces 29.71 23.14 4.57 84.57 .356 .420 2.43 72.01 0.71 3.57 4.19 1.30 7.89 5.57
STD High 30.72 30.15 5.31 97.91 .351 .479 2.57 62.18 4.34 3.68 4.16 1.32 9.11 4.82
GS Orioles/andy k 27.71 32.43 4.71 99.29 .348 .518 1.43 53.73 3.29 1.29 4.33 1.33 7.75 3.86
aylers angels 30.57 27.86 4.71 93.43 .344 .467 1.14 51.30 3.71 2.29 3.83 1.29 8.52 3.29
Meet The Debts 32.14 29.14 4.00 99.57 .342 .451 2.43 48.43 3.57 1.57 4.01 1.24 7.75 3.43
Socialists 25.57 24.86 6.43 87.29 .335 .434 3.57 62.00 2.00 2.29 3.28 1.15 8.73 5.71
League Average 27.10 26.51 4.47 87.75 .334 .437 1.67 53.94 2.69 2.61 3.77 1.25 8.41 3.81
Wade Boggs Challenge 24.00 26.29 5.29 79.43 .333 .402 2.86 44.86 0.29 2.57 3.73 1.26 9.37 3.29
412LumberCo./fsblnks 26.00 26.43 4.57 92.57 .331 .455 0.57 47.60 5.00 0.71 3.18 1.19 7.74 3.71
Jeff Specific 26.86 31.29 2.86 94.29 .331 .457 1.86 53.16 3.29 3.86 3.99 1.28 10.27 3.43
Yankees # 1 28.29 30.14 3.43 96.43 .327 .468 0.14 50.71 3.71 3.00 3.70 1.25 8.11 4.00
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 21.00 22.29 5.57 67.86 .325 .365 1.14 40.89 0.86 2.00 3.80 1.19 8.48 2.14
Buschwick 23.57 22.43 4.29 79.43 .324 .418 1.00 59.74 5.43 2.00 3.83 1.35 8.77 3.43
Half Boners/jacobk 27.43 24.71 5.00 82.29 .322 .393 2.57 65.30 1.57 2.00 3.70 1.20 8.01 4.57
Husker Dudes /ericyu 25.71 21.43 4.43 77.57 .320 .402 0.86 45.89 2.71 4.43 3.78 1.23 9.15 2.14
Sogard's CPAs 29.43 24.14 3.71 82.57 .320 .417 2.00 59.71 1.00 3.71 4.35 1.33 7.99 4.00
STD Low 23.47 22.86 3.63 77.59 .317 .396 0.76 45.70 1.04 1.54 3.38 1.18 7.71 2.80
The Condors 22.57 22.86 4.71 74.14 .316 .397 1.14 48.31 4.43 1.86 3.19 1.18 7.73 3.43
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.00 25.00 4.57 84.86 .308 .417 0.71 64.30 1.86 3.00 3.00 1.12 8.95 5.57

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Slim Pug 55 34 9 57 34 7 0.60714 0.61735 0.01020 1 2
Jeff Specific 52 37 9 52 38 8 0.57653 0.57143 -0.00510 2 5
Baltz Street Boozers 53 41 4 54 39 5 0.56122 0.57653 0.01531 3 4
Bro Hymn Tribute 46 38 14 33 56 9 0.54082 0.38265 -0.15816 4 16
aylers angels 46 41 11 51 40 7 0.52551 0.55612 0.03061 5 6
Socialists 48 46 4 47 44 7 0.51020 0.51531 0.00510 6 8
412LumberCo./fsblnks 42 45 11 48 44 6 0.48469 0.52041 0.03571 7 7
Yankees # 1 42 46 10 59 35 4 0.47959 0.62245 0.14286 11 1
GS Orioles/andy k 42 46 10 55 38 5 0.47959 0.58673 0.10714 9 3
Drilling for Feces 43 47 8 47 46 5 0.47959 0.50510 0.02551 8 11
Sogard's CPAs 42 46 10 40 55 3 0.47959 0.42347 -0.05612 10 15
Buschwick 40 51 7 43 51 4 0.44388 0.45918 0.01531 12 13
Meet The Debts 38 50 10 45 49 4 0.43878 0.47959 0.04082 13 12
Half Boners/jacobk 37 50 11 47 45 6 0.43367 0.51020 0.07653 14 10
The Condors 37 53 8 32 59 7 0.41837 0.36224 -0.05612 15 18
Husker Dudes /ericyu 35 59 4 48 45 5 0.37755 0.51531 0.13776 16 9
Wade Boggs Challenge 33 60 5 40 54 4 0.36224 0.42857 0.06633 17 14
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 27 67 4 35 61 2 0.29592 0.36735 0.07143 18 17

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