Monday, April 25, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 2

Total Stats
svyatogornyj 77 71 6 223 .349 .440 7 133.1 12 2 2.77 1.07 8.57 7
Slim Pug 64.00 78.00 8.00 219.00 .344 .466 6.00 123.10 3.00 9.00 2.92 1.15 9.56 6.00
STD High 70.8296261 72.23086284 13.88580684 211.5717942 .335 .432 7.492156824 128.5485226 8.532817791 8.982738048 4.30 1.35 10.11 6.99745255
Yankees # 1 67 50 7 205 .329 .418 7 120.1 7 2 3.81 1.20 10.55 6
Domo Farm-Frites 59 68 14 188 .328 .396 6 136.1 2 7 3.37 1.17 8.65 9
TOOTBLANs 82 76 12 212 .327 .408 9 120 5 4 4.13 1.27 8.85 1
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 61 67 11 205 .326 .445 5 103.1 3 0 3.66 1.35 10.19 4
Socialists 59 46 13 170 .326 .341 2 106 3 0 3.31 1.17 9.17 3
aylers angels 66 63 12 192 .320 .404 1 99 5 2 4.18 1.38 7.36 2
Half Boners/jacobk 66 65 8 169 .319 .347 6 130 9 7 4.98 1.43 9.28 0
League Average 62.0625 61.6875 10.6875 192.5 .315 .393 4.375 114.575 5.6875 5.25 3.59 1.21 9.08 4.1875
Baltz Street Boozers 63.00 47.00 9.00 184.00 .305 .363 6.00 94.20 7.00 4.00 4.28 1.39 8.94 1.00
growth pep. / zemus 56 55 15 193 .305 .391 -2 110.2 6 10 3.66 1.07 9.43 6
Buschwick 58 55 13 181 .303 .385 0 92 2 3 2.15 0.96 9.39 6
STD Low 53.2953739 51.14413716 7.489193156 173.4282058 .295 .355 1.257843176 100.6014774 2.842182209 1.517261952 2.89 1.06 8.04 1.37754745
Jeff Specific 47 52 7 171 .291 .358 6 125.1 8 4 3.23 1.07 10.70 3
Mr. Second Helping 62.00 75.00 9.00 216.00 .291 .410 1.00 125.20 9.00 10.00 2.94 1.06 9.45 7.00
Husker Dudes /ericyu 51 54 17 164 .290 .333 7 103 5 11 4.28 1.36 6.73 0
The Condors 55 65 10 188 .284 .384 3 113 5 9 3.82 1.21 8.44 6

Average Stats
svyatogornyj 38.50 35.50 3.00 111.50 .349 .440 3.50 66.55 6.00 1.00 2.77 1.07 8.57 3.50
Slim Pug 32.00 39.00 4.00 109.50 .344 .466 3.00 61.55 1.50 4.50 2.92 1.15 9.56 3.00
STD High 35.41 36.12 6.94 105.79 .335 .432 3.75 64.27 4.27 4.49 4.30 1.35 10.11 3.50
Yankees # 1 33.50 25.00 3.50 102.50 .329 .418 3.50 60.05 3.50 1.00 3.81 1.20 10.55 3.00
Domo Farm-Frites 29.50 34.00 7.00 94.00 .328 .396 3.00 68.05 1.00 3.50 3.37 1.17 8.65 4.50
TOOTBLANs 41.00 38.00 6.00 106.00 .327 .408 4.50 60.00 2.50 2.00 4.13 1.27 8.85 0.50
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 30.50 33.50 5.50 102.50 .326 .445 2.50 51.55 1.50 - 3.66 1.35 10.19 2.00
Socialists 29.50 23.00 6.50 85.00 .326 .341 1.00 53.00 1.50 - 3.31 1.17 9.17 1.50
aylers angels 33.00 31.50 6.00 96.00 .320 .404 0.50 49.50 2.50 1.00 4.18 1.38 7.36 1.00
Half Boners/jacobk 33.00 32.50 4.00 84.50 .319 .347 3.00 65.00 4.50 3.50 4.98 1.43 9.28 -
League Average 31.03 30.84 5.34 96.25 .315 .393 2.19 57.29 2.84 2.63 3.59 1.21 9.08 2.09
Baltz Street Boozers 31.50 23.50 4.50 92.00 .305 .363 3.00 47.10 3.50 2.00 4.28 1.39 8.94 0.50
growth pep. / zemus 28.00 27.50 7.50 96.50 .305 .391 (1.00) 55.10 3.00 5.00 3.66 1.07 9.43 3.00
Buschwick 29.00 27.50 6.50 90.50 .303 .385 - 46.00 1.00 1.50 2.15 0.96 9.39 3.00
STD Low 26.65 25.57 3.74 86.71 .295 .355 0.63 50.30 1.42 0.76 2.89 1.06 8.04 0.69
Jeff Specific 23.50 26.00 3.50 85.50 .291 .358 3.00 62.55 4.00 2.00 3.23 1.07 10.70 1.50
Mr. Second Helping 31.00 37.50 4.50 108.00 .291 .410 0.50 62.60 4.50 5.00 2.94 1.06 9.45 3.50
Husker Dudes /ericyu 25.50 27.00 8.50 82.00 .290 .333 3.50 51.50 2.50 5.50 4.28 1.36 6.73 -
The Condors 27.50 32.50 5.00 94.00 .284 .384 1.50 56.50 2.50 4.50 3.82 1.21 8.44 3.00

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
svyatogornyj 20 7 1 21 5 2 0.73214 0.78571 0.05357 1 1
Mr. Second Helping 19 7 2 12 14 2 0.71429 0.46429 -0.25000 2 9
Slim Pug 17 11 0 14 12 2 0.60714 0.53571 -0.07143 3 7
TOOTBLANs 15 11 2 15 10 3 0.57143 0.58929 0.01786 4 4
Yankees # 1 14 12 2 17 9 2 0.53571 0.64286 0.10714 5 2
Domo Farm-Frites 14 14 0 11 16 1 0.50000 0.41071 -0.08929 6 11
growth pep. / zemus 13 14 1 15 12 1 0.48214 0.55357 0.07143 7 6
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 13 15 0 13 15 0 0.46429 0.46429 0.00000 8 10
The Condors 11 13 4 8 17 3 0.46429 0.33929 -0.12500 9 15
Half Boners/jacobk 11 14 3 15 8 5 0.44643 0.62500 0.17857 10 3
Jeff Specific 11 14 3 10 16 2 0.44643 0.39286 -0.05357 11 14
Buschwick 11 16 1 11 16 1 0.41071 0.41071 0.00000 12 12
aylers angels 8 18 2 15 11 2 0.32143 0.57143 0.25000 13 5
Socialists 9 19 0 10 15 3 0.32143 0.41071 0.08929 14 13
Baltz Street Boozers 5 19 4 13 12 3 0.25000 0.51786 0.26786 15 8
Husker Dudes /ericyu 3 23 2 7 19 2 0.14286 0.28571 0.14286 16 16

Monday, April 18, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 1

Total Stats
svyatogornyj 47 43 6 145 .375 .479 3 76.2 6 1 1.53 0.89 9.27 4
Slim Pug 44 42 8 127 .362 .443 5 67.1 2 5 3.88 1.34 10.83 1
Yankees # 1 46.00 33.00 4.00 130.00 .354 .441 6.00 81.20 6.00 1.00 4.19 1.29 10.58 2.00
Domo Farm-Frites 42 50 5 126 .353 .445 2 83.1 2 6 3.13 1.10 8.42 5
STD High 44.26001507 46.91025404 9.348080144 134.474117 .352 .452 5.073790008 75.98800511 5.527824401 5.642936146 4.87 1.44 10.44 3.482050808
TOOTBLANs 46 54 6 134 .335 .451 4 64.1 3 3 5.18 1.51 8.11 0
Half Boners/jacobk 39 37 6 97 .333 .326 2 75.2 7 3 5.71 1.52 9.04 0
aylers angels 41 43 4 130 .323 .439 -1 55.1 1 2 4.55 1.46 7.64 0
League Average 38.9375 38.25 6.8125 119.375 .322 .403 2.75 67.8625 3.5625 3.1875 3.85 1.24 9.15 1.75
Jeff Specific 32.00 34.00 6.00 109.00 .319 .389 5.00 72.10 4.00 2.00 2.86 1.01 10.95 2.00
Baltz Street Boozers 42.00 27.00 4.00 109.00 .314 .355 4.00 59.10 5.00 2.00 4.25 1.30 8.19 -
growth pep. / zemus 35 33 11 129 .314 .429 -2 63 2 7 4.14 1.16 9.43 3
Socialists 34 28 8 94 .311 .321 2 62.1 2 0 3.32 1.17 9.53 0
Husker Dudes /ericyu 34 38 12 114 .307 .356 6 65.2 4 7 4.39 1.32 6.30 0
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 30 33 6 109 .301 .404 4 62 2 0 4.06 1.50 10.31 1
Buschwick 35 25 11 105 .300 .361 1 62.1 1 1 2.45 0.98 9.82 3
Mr. Second Helping 39 51 6 139 .297 .440 1 74.1 6 6 3.75 1.09 9.93 4
STD Low 33.61498493 29.58974596 4.276919856 104.275883 .292 .354 0.426209992 59.73699489 1.597175599 0.732063854 2.83 1.04 7.87 0.017949192
The Condors 37 41 6 113 .255 .370 2 64.1 4 5 4.20 1.18 8.11 3

Average Stats
svyatogornyj 47.00 43.00 6.00 145.00 .375 .479 3.00 76.20 6.00 1.00 1.53 0.89 9.27 4.00
Slim Pug 44.00 42.00 8.00 127.00 .362 .443 5.00 67.10 2.00 5.00 3.88 1.34 10.83 1.00
Yankees # 1 46.00 33.00 4.00 130.00 .354 .441 6.00 81.20 6.00 1.00 4.19 1.29 10.58 2.00
Domo Farm-Frites 42.00 50.00 5.00 126.00 .353 .445 2.00 83.10 2.00 6.00 3.13 1.10 8.42 5.00
STD High 44.26 46.91 9.35 134.47 .352 .452 5.07 75.99 5.53 5.64 4.87 1.44 10.44 3.48
TOOTBLANs 46.00 54.00 6.00 134.00 .335 .451 4.00 64.10 3.00 3.00 5.18 1.51 8.11 -
Half Boners/jacobk 39.00 37.00 6.00 97.00 .333 .326 2.00 75.20 7.00 3.00 5.71 1.52 9.04 -
aylers angels 41.00 43.00 4.00 130.00 .323 .439 (1.00) 55.10 1.00 2.00 4.55 1.46 7.64 -
League Average 38.94 38.25 6.81 119.38 .322 .403 2.75 67.86 3.56 3.19 3.85 1.24 9.15 1.75
Jeff Specific 32.00 34.00 6.00 109.00 .319 .389 5.00 72.10 4.00 2.00 2.86 1.01 10.95 2.00
Baltz Street Boozers 42.00 27.00 4.00 109.00 .314 .355 4.00 59.10 5.00 2.00 4.25 1.30 8.19 -
growth pep. / zemus 35.00 33.00 11.00 129.00 .314 .429 (2.00) 63.00 2.00 7.00 4.14 1.16 9.43 3.00
Socialists 34.00 28.00 8.00 94.00 .311 .321 2.00 62.10 2.00 - 3.32 1.17 9.53 -
Husker Dudes /ericyu 34.00 38.00 12.00 114.00 .307 .356 6.00 65.20 4.00 7.00 4.39 1.32 6.30 -
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 30.00 33.00 6.00 109.00 .301 .404 4.00 62.00 2.00 - 4.06 1.50 10.31 1.00
Buschwick 35.00 25.00 11.00 105.00 .300 .361 1.00 62.10 1.00 1.00 2.45 0.98 9.82 3.00
Mr. Second Helping 39.00 51.00 6.00 139.00 .297 .440 1.00 74.10 6.00 6.00 3.75 1.09 9.93 4.00
STD Low 33.61 29.59 4.28 104.28 .292 .354 0.43 59.74 1.60 0.73 2.83 1.04 7.87 0.02
The Condors 37.00 41.00 6.00 113.00 .255 .370 2.00 64.10 4.00 5.00 4.20 1.18 8.11 3.00

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
svyatogornyj 12 1 1 12 1 1 0.89286 0.89286 0.00000 1 1
Mr. Second Helping 11 2 1 8 5 1 0.82143 0.60714 -0.21429 2 4
Domo Farm-Frites 11 3 0 8 5 1 0.78571 0.60714 -0.17857 3 5
Yankees # 1 9 4 1 9 4 1 0.67857 0.67857 0.00000 4 2
Slim Pug 8 6 0 5 8 1 0.57143 0.39286 -0.17857 5 11
TOOTBLANs 7 6 1 8 3 3 0.53571 0.67857 0.14286 6 3
Jeff Specific 6 6 2 5 8 1 0.50000 0.39286 -0.10714 7 12
aylers angels 6 8 0 8 6 0 0.42857 0.57143 0.14286 8 7
growth pep. / zemus 6 8 0 4 9 1 0.42857 0.32143 -0.10714 9 14
The Condors 5 8 1 1 12 1 0.39286 0.10714 -0.28571 10 16
Half Boners/jacobk 4 8 2 3 8 3 0.35714 0.32143 -0.03571 11 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 4 10 0 6 8 0 0.28571 0.42857 0.14286 12 10
Baltz Street Boozers 4 10 0 8 5 1 0.28571 0.60714 0.32143 13 6
Buschwick 4 10 0 7 7 0 0.28571 0.50000 0.21429 14 8
Husker Dudes /ericyu 2 10 2 7 7 0 0.21429 0.50000 0.28571 15 9
Socialists 3 11 0 5 8 1 0.21429 0.39286 0.17857 16 13