Tuesday, May 31, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 7

Total Stats
Buschwick 203 184 29 575 .338 .417 5 294.2 10 7 2.96 1.09 8.83 25
Yankees # 1 215 190 29 663 .333 .438 18 381.2 24 6 3.87 1.18 10.26 25
STD High 215.08 218.08 37.85 652.31 .330 .429 20.33 406.04 26.05 24.22 4.19 1.28 9.62 25.52
Baltz Street Boozers 202 195 32 622 .330 .416 13 311 11 19 4.23 1.33 9.23 18
Socialists 194 174 40 588 .326 .397 6 353.2 9 17 2.54 1.05 8.96 25
Mr. Second Helping 199 259 29 736 .324 .450 12 418.2 34 27 3.72 1.14 8.71 26
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 186 205 34 601 .323 .430 18 338.2 8 1 3.48 1.20 9.22 21
svyatogornyj 227 213 23 661 .322 .430 17 339.1 26 7 3.50 1.13 9.52 18
Half Boners/jacobk 214 188 30 557 .321 .385 23 415 23 21 4.08 1.29 7.96 21
Slim Pug 188 214 25 572 .321 .406 18 430.1 15 18 3.66 1.20 9.01 24
League Average 196.81 192.38 32.69 600.19 .319 .407 14.75 362.79 17.94 15.75 3.65 1.19 8.87 20.88
TOOTBLANs 208 193 34 617 .319 .415 26 412.1 27 11 3.78 1.27 8.12 16
Jeff Specific 152 143 32 520 .315 .384 13 364 18 13 3.04 1.10 9.74 23
aylers angels 194 187 33 600 .313 .405 11 395.1 19 8 3.82 1.18 8.61 21
Husker Dudes /ericyu 209 177 38 579 .312 .384 15 316.2 18 29 4.77 1.35 7.67 8
growth pep. / zemus 174 158 35 549 .310 .378 10 330 26 20 3.60 1.14 9.46 20
Domo Farm-Frites 205 201 40 593 .308 .386 18 384 7 27 3.23 1.15 9.05 25
STD Low 178.55 166.67 27.53 548.06 .308 .384 9.17 319.54 9.83 7.28 3.11 1.10 8.12 16.23
The Condors 179 197 40 570 .291 .387 13 323.1 12 21 4.09 1.28 7.54 18

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.00 26.29 4.14 82.14 .338 .417 0.71 42.03 1.43 1.00 2.96 1.09 8.83 3.57
Yankees # 1 30.71 27.14 4.14 94.71 .333 .438 2.57 54.46 3.43 0.86 3.87 1.18 10.26 3.57
STD High 30.73 31.15 5.41 93.19 .330 .429 2.90 58.01 3.72 3.46 4.19 1.28 9.62 3.65
Baltz Street Boozers 28.86 27.86 4.57 88.86 .330 .416 1.86 44.43 1.57 2.71 4.23 1.33 9.23 2.57
Socialists 27.71 24.86 5.71 84.00 .326 .397 0.86 50.46 1.29 2.43 2.54 1.05 8.96 3.57
Mr. Second Helping 28.43 37.00 4.14 105.14 .324 .450 1.71 59.74 4.86 3.86 3.72 1.14 8.71 3.71
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 26.57 29.29 4.86 85.86 .323 .430 2.57 48.31 1.14 0.14 3.48 1.20 9.22 3.00
svyatogornyj 32.43 30.43 3.29 94.43 .322 .430 2.43 48.44 3.71 1.00 3.50 1.13 9.52 2.57
Half Boners/jacobk 30.57 26.86 4.29 79.57 .321 .385 3.29 59.29 3.29 3.00 4.08 1.29 7.96 3.00
Slim Pug 26.86 30.57 3.57 81.71 .321 .406 2.57 61.44 2.14 2.57 3.66 1.20 9.01 3.43
League Average 28.12 27.48 4.67 85.74 .319 .407 2.11 51.83 2.56 2.25 3.65 1.19 8.87 2.98
TOOTBLANs 29.71 27.57 4.86 88.14 .319 .415 3.71 58.87 3.86 1.57 3.78 1.27 8.12 2.29
Jeff Specific 21.71 20.43 4.57 74.29 .315 .384 1.86 52.00 2.57 1.86 3.04 1.10 9.74 3.29
aylers angels 27.71 26.71 4.71 85.71 .313 .405 1.57 56.44 2.71 1.14 3.82 1.18 8.61 3.00
Husker Dudes /ericyu 29.86 25.29 5.43 82.71 .312 .384 2.14 45.17 2.57 4.14 4.77 1.35 7.67 1.14
growth pep. / zemus 24.86 22.57 5.00 78.43 .310 .378 1.43 47.14 3.71 2.86 3.60 1.14 9.46 2.86
Domo Farm-Frites 29.29 28.71 5.71 84.71 .308 .386 2.57 54.86 1.00 3.86 3.23 1.15 9.05 3.57
STD Low 25.51 23.81 3.93 78.29 .308 .384 1.31 45.65 1.40 1.04 3.11 1.10 8.12 2.32
The Condors 25.57 28.14 5.71 81.43 .291 .387 1.86 46.16 1.71 3.00 4.09 1.28 7.54 2.57

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 70 22 6 54 40 4 0.74490 0.57143 -0.17347 1 2
svyatogornyj 58 33 7 54 40 4 0.62755 0.57143 -0.05612 2 3
Yankees # 1 51 38 9 55 38 5 0.56633 0.58673 0.02041 3 1
Slim Pug 50 40 8 53 39 6 0.55102 0.57143 0.02041 4 4
TOOTBLANs 50 41 7 44 44 10 0.54592 0.50000 -0.04592 5 10
Domo Farm-Frites 49 42 7 46 43 9 0.53571 0.51531 -0.02041 6 8
Buschwick 46 43 9 48 43 7 0.51531 0.52551 0.01020 7 7
Half Boners/jacobk 45 44 9 50 40 8 0.50510 0.55102 0.04592 8 5
Socialists 47 49 2 43 47 8 0.48980 0.47959 -0.01020 9 11
aylers angels 41 46 11 50 42 6 0.47449 0.54082 0.06633 10 6
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 43 52 3 38 55 5 0.45408 0.41327 -0.04082 11 15
Baltz Street Boozers 37 48 13 45 43 10 0.44388 0.51020 0.06633 12 9
growth pep. / zemus 41 52 5 42 51 5 0.44388 0.45408 0.01020 13 12
Jeff Specific 37 50 11 38 52 8 0.43367 0.42857 -0.00510 14 13
Husker Dudes /ericyu 36 54 8 39 56 3 0.40816 0.41327 0.00510 15 14
The Condors 35 54 9 34 60 4 0.40306 0.36735 -0.03571 16 16

Monday, May 23, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 6

Total Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 182 170 25 552 .339 .430 11 263 11 15 4.21 1.34 9.07 14
Buschwick 170 160 25 502 .332 .415 4 259.1 9 5 2.92 1.08 8.78 22
STD High 183.58 185.83 33.18 559.89 .330 .428 18.03 346.88 22.71 21.43 4.07 1.27 9.69 21.23
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 167 189 29 560 .326 .440 18 305.1 8 1 3.36 1.21 9.52 19
TOOTBLANs 188 171 28 550 .326 .429 22 345.1 22 10 3.78 1.28 8.29 12
Yankees # 1 179 153 25 551 .323 .419 17 312.2 22 6 4.14 1.24 10.45 17
Mr. Second Helping 162 218 25 617 .320 .435 13 347 31 24 3.55 1.13 8.48 21
Slim Pug 153 172 22 477 .320 .396 15 373.1 10 17 3.54 1.19 9.11 21
svyatogornyj 195 189 21 560 .320 .422 11 294 22 5 3.58 1.13 9.80 16
Half Boners/jacobk 188 149 29 457 .318 .368 20 353 18 18 4.28 1.30 8.26 15
League Average 167.13 163.56 28.25 511.75 .317 .401 12.81 313.02 15.69 13.63 3.59 1.19 8.90 17.44
growth pep. / zemus 155 143 30 482 .315 .382 11 292.2 22 19 3.51 1.14 9.23 18
aylers angels 167 156 28 524 .314 .411 10 336.2 17 6 3.58 1.18 8.61 18
Jeff Specific 134 130 24 451 .314 .384 14 320 18 10 2.93 1.08 9.68 19
Socialists 154 138 34 471 .313 .372 4 299.1 8 12 2.65 1.05 9.08 21
Domo Farm-Frites 170 167 37 492 .307 .377 17 343 6 25 3.44 1.17 9.03 21
STD Low 150.67 141.30 23.32 463.61 .305 .375 7.59 279.16 8.67 5.82 3.11 1.10 8.10 13.64
Husker Dudes /ericyu 162 144 33 472 .304 .367 10 277.2 16 24 4.21 1.26 7.33 8
The Condors 148 168 37 470 .284 .372 8 289 11 21 3.77 1.19 7.66 17

Average Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 30.33 28.33 4.17 92.00 .339 .430 1.83 43.83 1.83 2.50 4.21 1.34 9.07 2.33
Buschwick 28.33 26.67 4.17 83.67 .332 .415 0.67 43.18 1.50 0.83 2.92 1.08 8.78 3.67
STD High 30.60 30.97 5.53 93.31 .330 .428 3.01 57.81 3.78 3.57 4.07 1.27 9.69 3.54
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 27.83 31.50 4.83 93.33 .326 .440 3.00 50.85 1.33 0.17 3.36 1.21 9.52 3.17
TOOTBLANs 31.33 28.50 4.67 91.67 .326 .429 3.67 57.52 3.67 1.67 3.78 1.28 8.29 2.00
Yankees # 1 29.83 25.50 4.17 91.83 .323 .419 2.83 52.03 3.67 1.00 4.14 1.24 10.45 2.83
Mr. Second Helping 27.00 36.33 4.17 102.83 .320 .435 2.17 57.83 5.17 4.00 3.55 1.13 8.48 3.50
Slim Pug 25.50 28.67 3.67 79.50 .320 .396 2.50 62.18 1.67 2.83 3.54 1.19 9.11 3.50
svyatogornyj 32.50 31.50 3.50 93.33 .320 .422 1.83 49.00 3.67 0.83 3.58 1.13 9.80 2.67
Half Boners/jacobk 31.33 24.83 4.83 76.17 .318 .368 3.33 58.83 3.00 3.00 4.28 1.30 8.26 2.50
League Average 27.85 27.26 4.71 85.29 .317 .401 2.14 52.17 2.61 2.27 3.59 1.19 8.90 2.91
growth pep. / zemus 25.83 23.83 5.00 80.33 .315 .382 1.83 48.70 3.67 3.17 3.51 1.14 9.23 3.00
aylers angels 27.83 26.00 4.67 87.33 .314 .411 1.67 56.03 2.83 1.00 3.58 1.18 8.61 3.00
Jeff Specific 22.33 21.67 4.00 75.17 .314 .384 2.33 53.33 3.00 1.67 2.93 1.08 9.68 3.17
Socialists 25.67 23.00 5.67 78.50 .313 .372 0.67 49.85 1.33 2.00 2.65 1.05 9.08 3.50
Domo Farm-Frites 28.33 27.83 6.17 82.00 .307 .377 2.83 57.17 1.00 4.17 3.44 1.17 9.03 3.50
STD Low 25.11 23.55 3.89 77.27 .305 .375 1.27 46.53 1.44 0.97 3.11 1.10 8.10 2.27
Husker Dudes /ericyu 27.00 24.00 5.50 78.67 .304 .367 1.67 46.20 2.67 4.00 4.21 1.26 7.33 1.33
The Condors 24.67 28.00 6.17 78.33 .284 .372 1.33 48.17 1.83 3.50 3.77 1.19 7.66 2.83

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 59 20 5 45 35 4 0.73214 0.55952 -0.17262 1 4
svyatogornyj 49 29 6 47 33 4 0.61905 0.58333 -0.03571 2 2
TOOTBLANs 46 31 7 41 35 8 0.58929 0.53571 -0.05357 3 7
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 43 38 3 38 41 5 0.52976 0.48214 -0.04762 4 10
Slim Pug 41 36 7 48 30 6 0.52976 0.60714 0.07738 5 1
Yankees # 1 41 36 7 44 35 5 0.52976 0.55357 0.02381 6 6
Buschwick 40 38 6 44 33 7 0.51190 0.56548 0.05357 7 3
Domo Farm-Frites 40 38 6 32 43 9 0.51190 0.43452 -0.07738 8 13
aylers angels 38 38 8 42 36 6 0.50000 0.53571 0.03571 9 8
growth pep. / zemus 38 41 5 35 44 5 0.48214 0.44643 -0.03571 10 11
Baltz Street Boozers 33 40 11 42 32 10 0.45833 0.55952 0.10119 11 5
Jeff Specific 33 40 11 32 44 8 0.45833 0.42857 -0.02976 12 14
Half Boners/jacobk 34 42 8 40 36 8 0.45238 0.52381 0.07143 13 9
Socialists 37 46 1 34 44 6 0.44643 0.44048 -0.00595 14 12
The Condors 28 47 9 27 53 4 0.38690 0.34524 -0.04167 15 16
Husker Dudes /ericyu 28 49 7 32 49 3 0.37500 0.39881 0.02381 16 15

Monday, May 16, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 5

Total Stats
TOOTBLANs 162 156 25 481 .334 .441 21 275.1 16 9 3.56 1.22 8.34 9
Buschwick 145.00 131.00 23.00 423.00 .332 .415 3.00 211.10 7.00 4.00 3.07 1.13 8.56 17.00
STD High 154.13 156.26 28.05 464.95 .330 .425 15.07 292.24 18.70 17.65 4.11 1.26 9.75 17.75
Baltz Street Boozers 153 138 20 439 .329 .409 9.00 214.10 9 12 4.16 1.31 8.90 11
Yankees # 1 156 125 21 461 .327 .424 15.00 260.10 14 4 4.25 1.24 10.37 13
svyatogornyj 165 161 18 478 .325 .434 7 260 20 3 3.74 1.15 9.66 15
Slim Pug 128 149 19 418 .320 .407 11 306.2 8 15 3.55 1.20 9.27 16
Mr. Second Helping 132.00 175.00 19.00 496.00 .318 .420 9.00 287.00 27.00 20.00 3.04 1.04 8.78 17.00
growth pep. / zemus 133 117 25 407 .317 .383 9.00 247.00 17 15 3.72 1.15 9.15 16
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 131 149 27 451 .316 .416 13 261 6 1 3.28 1.22 9.55 15
League Average 139.94 137.88 24.00 427.63 .316 .399 10.31 263.01 12.81 10.94 3.58 1.18 8.91 14.31
Half Boners/jacobk 150 125 25 377 .315 .360 17 306.2 15 14 4.40 1.31 8.36 13
Domo Farm-Frites 142 149 30 422 .312 .386 14.00 292.10 6 20 3.57 1.16 9.42 18
Jeff Specific 113 112 21 381 .311 .383 11 279.2 16 9 2.61 1.02 9.82 17
Socialists 131 112 28 379 .311 .361 4 268 6 7 2.72 1.05 9.24 19
aylers angels 135 135 24 426 .308 .402 8 274 15 4 3.78 1.20 8.44 13
Husker Dudes /ericyu 136 124 29 403 .307 .368 7 232.1 13 21 4.14 1.24 6.97 6
STD Low 125.75 119.49 19.95 390.30 .302 .373 5.56 233.79 6.92 4.23 3.05 1.09 8.07 10.87
The Condors 127 148 30 400 .274 .371 7 235 10 17 3.68 1.18 7.77 14

Average Stats
TOOTBLANs 40.50 39.00 6.25 120.25 .334 .441 5.25 68.78 4.00 2.25 3.56 1.22 8.34 2.25
Buschwick 36.25 32.75 5.75 105.75 .332 .415 0.75 52.78 1.75 1.00 3.07 1.13 8.56 4.25
STD High 38.53 39.06 7.01 116.24 .330 .425 3.77 73.06 4.68 4.41 4.11 1.26 9.75 4.44
Baltz Street Boozers 38.25 34.50 5.00 109.75 .329 .409 2.25 53.53 2.25 3.00 4.16 1.31 8.90 2.75
Yankees # 1 39.00 31.25 5.25 115.25 .327 .424 3.75 65.03 3.50 1.00 4.25 1.24 10.37 3.25
svyatogornyj 41.25 40.25 4.50 119.50 .325 .434 1.75 65.00 5.00 0.75 3.74 1.15 9.66 3.75
Slim Pug 32.00 37.25 4.75 104.50 .320 .407 2.75 76.55 2.00 3.75 3.55 1.20 9.27 4.00
Mr. Second Helping 33.00 43.75 4.75 124.00 .318 .420 2.25 71.75 6.75 5.00 3.04 1.04 8.78 4.25
growth pep. / zemus 33.25 29.25 6.25 101.75 .317 .383 2.25 61.75 4.25 3.75 3.72 1.15 9.15 4.00
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 32.75 37.25 6.75 112.75 .316 .416 3.25 65.25 1.50 0.25 3.28 1.22 9.55 3.75
League Average 34.98 34.47 6.00 106.91 .316 .399 2.58 65.75 3.20 2.73 3.58 1.18 8.91 3.58
Half Boners/jacobk 37.50 31.25 6.25 94.25 .315 .360 4.25 76.55 3.75 3.50 4.40 1.31 8.36 3.25
Domo Farm-Frites 35.50 37.25 7.50 105.50 .312 .386 3.50 73.03 1.50 5.00 3.57 1.16 9.42 4.50
Jeff Specific 28.25 28.00 5.25 95.25 .311 .383 2.75 69.80 4.00 2.25 2.61 1.02 9.82 4.25
Socialists 32.75 28.00 7.00 94.75 .311 .361 1.00 67.00 1.50 1.75 2.72 1.05 9.24 4.75
aylers angels 33.75 33.75 6.00 106.50 .308 .402 2.00 68.50 3.75 1.00 3.78 1.20 8.44 3.25
Husker Dudes /ericyu 34.00 31.00 7.25 100.75 .307 .368 1.75 58.03 3.25 5.25 4.14 1.24 6.97 1.50
STD Low 31.44 29.87 4.99 97.58 .302 .373 1.39 58.45 1.73 1.06 3.05 1.09 8.07 2.72
The Condors 31.75 37.00 7.50 100.00 .274 .371 1.75 58.75 2.50 4.25 3.68 1.18 7.77 3.50

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 49 16 5 35 31 4 0.73571 0.52857 -0.20714 1 6
TOOTBLANs 42 22 6 38 25 7 0.64286 0.59286 -0.05000 2 1
svyatogornyj 41 25 4 37 30 3 0.61429 0.55000 -0.06429 3 4
Domo Farm-Frites 35 30 5 27 35 8 0.53571 0.44286 -0.09286 4 14
Yankees # 1 35 31 4 39 27 4 0.52857 0.58571 0.05714 5 2
Slim Pug 34 32 4 38 26 6 0.51429 0.58571 0.07143 6 3
Jeff Specific 30 30 10 31 33 6 0.50000 0.48571 -0.01429 7 10
growth pep. / zemus 32 34 4 31 36 3 0.48571 0.46429 -0.02143 9 11
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 33 35 2 30 36 4 0.48571 0.45714 -0.02857 8 13
Buschwick 30 36 4 33 32 5 0.45714 0.50714 0.05000 10 7
aylers angels 29 37 4 33 32 5 0.44286 0.50714 0.06429 11 8
Socialists 30 40 0 30 35 5 0.42857 0.46429 0.03571 12 12
Half Boners/jacobk 26 37 7 32 31 7 0.42143 0.50714 0.08571 13 9
Baltz Street Boozers 25 37 8 34 28 8 0.41429 0.54286 0.12857 14 5
The Condors 25 37 8 23 43 4 0.41429 0.35714 -0.05714 15 16
Husker Dudes /ericyu 23 41 6 28 39 3 0.37143 0.42143 0.05000 16 15

Monday, May 9, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 4

Total Stats
Buschwick 115 100 19 349 .340 .418 3 170 5 4 3.07 1.12 8.68 13
TOOTBLANs 138 125 18 385 .334 .430 12 219.2 12 9 3.73 1.21 8.48 6
Slim Pug 112 134 15 367 .332 .429 8.00 237.10 7 14 3.22 1.17 9.48 11
STD High 124.70 130.24 23.02 380.93 .332 .426 11.00 236.16 15.52 14.98 4.01 1.27 9.81 14.70
Baltz Street Boozers 114 97 19 338 .328 .385 7.00 173.20 9 11 3.89 1.28 9.07 9
svyatogornyj 138 133 12 399 .328 .434 8.00 228.20 17 2 3.35 1.12 9.60 13
Yankees # 1 117 98 18 374 .327 .428 10 210.2 14 4 4.06 1.22 10.38 9
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 108 117 24 369 .320 .422 10 197.1 5 1 3.83 1.32 9.62 10
Domo Farm-Frites 117 129 24 348 .316 .390 14 235.2 4 15 3.63 1.18 9.47 15
League Average 111.69 110.56 19.25 344.69 .315 .393 7.50 213.45 10.81 9.38 3.48 1.17 8.95 11.38
Mr. Second Helping 107 145 15 407 .313 .417 6 238.2 19 15 2.87 1.01 8.64 17
Socialists 104 83 23 293 .312 .341 3 220.2 5 4 2.69 1.07 8.93 15
Half Boners/jacobk 122 106 19 305 .310 .354 11 246.2 15 11 4.23 1.28 8.36 10
Jeff Specific 94 90 15 316 .308 .385 10 230.1 14 8 2.42 0.99 10.12 13
aylers angels 100 98 19 310 .300 .372 6 211.1 12 4 4.00 1.24 8.13 9
Husker Dudes /ericyu 104 99 25 314 .300 .349 4.00 193.00 11 18 3.96 1.26 7.09 5
STD Low 98.68 90.89 15.48 308.44 .298 .360 4.00 190.74 6.10 3.77 2.94 1.07 8.08 8.05
growth pep. / zemus 95 85 22 300 .294 .350 2 200 15 14 3.60 1.11 9.27 13
The Condors 102 130 21 341 .276 .383 6 206.2 9 16 3.05 1.09 7.80 14

Average Stats
Buschwick 38.33 33.33 6.33 116.33 .340 .418 1.00 56.67 1.67 1.33 3.07 1.12 8.68 4.33
TOOTBLANs 46.00 41.67 6.00 128.33 .334 .430 4.00 73.07 4.00 3.00 3.73 1.21 8.48 2.00
Slim Pug 37.33 44.67 5.00 122.33 .332 .429 2.67 79.03 2.33 4.67 3.22 1.17 9.48 3.67
STD High 41.57 43.41 7.67 126.98 .332 .426 3.67 78.72 5.17 4.99 4.01 1.27 9.81 4.90
Baltz Street Boozers 38.00 32.33 6.33 112.67 .328 .385 2.33 57.73 3.00 3.67 3.89 1.28 9.07 3.00
svyatogornyj 46.00 44.33 4.00 133.00 .328 .434 2.67 76.07 5.67 0.67 3.35 1.12 9.60 4.33
Yankees # 1 39.00 32.67 6.00 124.67 .327 .428 3.33 70.07 4.67 1.33 4.06 1.22 10.38 3.00
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 36.00 39.00 8.00 123.00 .320 .422 3.33 65.70 1.67 0.33 3.83 1.32 9.62 3.33
Domo Farm-Frites 39.00 43.00 8.00 116.00 .316 .390 4.67 78.40 1.33 5.00 3.63 1.18 9.47 5.00
League Average 37.23 36.85 6.42 114.90 .315 .393 2.50 71.15 3.60 3.13 3.48 1.17 8.95 3.79
Mr. Second Helping 35.67 48.33 5.00 135.67 .313 .417 2.00 79.40 6.33 5.00 2.87 1.01 8.64 5.67
Socialists 34.67 27.67 7.67 97.67 .312 .341 1.00 73.40 1.67 1.33 2.69 1.07 8.93 5.00
Half Boners/jacobk 40.67 35.33 6.33 101.67 .310 .354 3.67 82.07 5.00 3.67 4.23 1.28 8.36 3.33
Jeff Specific 31.33 30.00 5.00 105.33 .308 .385 3.33 76.70 4.67 2.67 2.42 0.99 10.12 4.33
aylers angels 33.33 32.67 6.33 103.33 .300 .372 2.00 70.37 4.00 1.33 4.00 1.24 8.13 3.00
Husker Dudes /ericyu 34.67 33.00 8.33 104.67 .300 .349 1.33 64.33 3.67 6.00 3.96 1.26 7.09 1.67
STD Low 32.89 30.30 5.16 102.81 .298 .360 1.33 63.58 2.03 1.26 2.94 1.07 8.08 2.68
growth pep. / zemus 31.67 28.33 7.33 100.00 .294 .350 0.67 66.67 5.00 4.67 3.60 1.11 9.27 4.33
The Condors 34.00 43.33 7.00 113.67 .276 .383 2.00 68.73 3.00 5.33 3.05 1.09 7.80 4.67

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 40 13 3 28 24 4 0.74107 0.53571 -0.20536 1 7
svyatogornyj 35 17 4 35 19 2 0.66071 0.64286 -0.01786 2 1
TOOTBLANs 34 17 5 31 18 7 0.65179 0.61607 -0.03571 3 2
Slim Pug 31 22 3 31 20 5 0.58036 0.59821 0.01786 4 3
Domo Farm-Frites 30 24 2 23 29 4 0.55357 0.44643 -0.10714 5 11
Jeff Specific 25 22 9 28 24 4 0.52679 0.53571 0.00893 6 8
The Condors 25 24 7 22 30 4 0.50893 0.42857 -0.08036 7 13
Yankees # 1 25 27 4 30 23 3 0.48214 0.56250 0.08036 8 4
Buschwick 25 29 2 27 28 1 0.46429 0.49107 0.02679 9 9
growth pep. / zemus 25 29 2 24 31 1 0.46429 0.43750 -0.02679 10 12
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 24 30 2 25 29 2 0.44643 0.46429 0.01786 11 10
Half Boners/jacobk 21 29 6 28 22 6 0.42857 0.55357 0.12500 12 6
Baltz Street Boozers 19 30 7 28 21 7 0.40179 0.56250 0.16071 13 5
Socialists 21 35 0 21 32 3 0.37500 0.40179 0.02679 14 15
aylers angels 18 35 3 22 30 4 0.34821 0.42857 0.08036 15 14
Husker Dudes /ericyu 16 37 3 15 38 3 0.31250 0.29464 -0.01786 16 16

Monday, May 2, 2022

BCO 2022 HTH Week 3

Total Stats
Buschwick 89 86 18 277 .340 .423 4 142 4 3 2.35 0.99 9.00 12
Yankees # 1 102 82 10 305 .337 .449 9 154 8 4 4.03 1.23 10.23 6
STD High 97.82222184 101.92 18.88 295.0599502 .335 .428 9.72 185.30 12.25 12.26 4.14 1.29 9.86 11.16
Slim Pug 82 105 12 289 .332 .437 8 193.1 6 12 2.93 1.12 9.68 10
svyatogornyj 102 98 9 302 .330 .424 7 179 15 2 2.77 1.10 8.70 11
TOOTBLANs 108 93 14 286 .330 .407 9 168 9 7 3.80 1.24 8.30 4
Domo Farm-Frites 88 114 20 287 .329 .419 15 185.2 3 10 3.30 1.15 9.60 11
Socialists 86.00 68.00 16.00 236.00 .327 .342 3.00 175.00 4.00 1.00 2.93 1.08 9.31 10.00
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 88 91 16 291 .323 .430 8 150.2 4 0 3.40 1.26 9.74 8
Baltz Street Boozers 86 73 15 258 .319 .371 6 129.2 7 7 4.44 1.36 9.09 5
League Average 87.63 87.56 15.13 269.38 .315 .393 6.56 165.03 8.38 7.31 3.47 1.17 8.99 8.13
Half Boners/jacobk 99 85 15 235 .313 .347 7 190.2 12 9 4.30 1.27 8.83 5
aylers angels 81.00 79.00 17.00 254.00 .306 .383 5.00 145.20 8.00 2.00 4.39 1.32 7.60 5.00
Mr. Second Helping 84 108 13 303 .303 .408 5 184.1 14 14 2.98 1.06 8.59 12
Husker Dudes /ericyu 79 80 23 249 .297 .353 5 139 10 14 4.27 1.32 7.25 3
Jeff Specific 75 72 11 239 .296 .362 8 185.1 14 6 2.67 1.00 10.39 8
STD Low 77.42777816 73.21 11.37 243.6900498 .296 .358 3.40 144.76 4.50 2.36 2.79 1.05 8.12 5.09
growth pep. / zemus 73 68 19 241 .294 .361 1 160 10 13 3.54 1.09 9.23 10
The Condors 80 99 14 258 .269 .375 5 161.2 6 13 3.34 1.12 8.29 10

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.67 28.67 6.00 92.33 .340 .423 1.33 47.33 1.33 1.00 2.35 0.99 9.00 4.00
Yankees # 1 34.00 27.33 3.33 101.67 .337 .449 3.00 51.33 2.67 1.33 4.03 1.23 10.23 2.00
STD High 32.61 33.97 6.29 98.35 .335 .428 3.24 61.77 4.08 4.09 4.14 1.29 9.86 3.72
Slim Pug 27.33 35.00 4.00 96.33 .332 .437 2.67 64.37 2.00 4.00 2.93 1.12 9.68 3.33
svyatogornyj 34.00 32.67 3.00 100.67 .330 .424 2.33 59.67 5.00 0.67 2.77 1.10 8.70 3.67
TOOTBLANs 36.00 31.00 4.67 95.33 .330 .407 3.00 56.00 3.00 2.33 3.80 1.24 8.30 1.33
Domo Farm-Frites 29.33 38.00 6.67 95.67 .329 .419 5.00 61.73 1.00 3.33 3.30 1.15 9.60 3.67
Socialists 28.67 22.67 5.33 78.67 .327 .342 1.00 58.33 1.33 0.33 2.93 1.08 9.31 3.33
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 29.33 30.33 5.33 97.00 .323 .430 2.67 50.07 1.33 - 3.40 1.26 9.74 2.67
Baltz Street Boozers 28.67 24.33 5.00 86.00 .319 .371 2.00 43.07 2.33 2.33 4.44 1.36 9.09 1.67
League Average 29.21 29.19 5.04 89.79 .315 .393 2.19 55.01 2.79 2.44 3.47 1.17 8.99 2.71
Half Boners/jacobk 33.00 28.33 5.00 78.33 .313 .347 2.33 63.40 4.00 3.00 4.30 1.27 8.83 1.67
aylers angels 27.00 26.33 5.67 84.67 .306 .383 1.67 48.40 2.67 0.67 4.39 1.32 7.60 1.67
Mr. Second Helping 28.00 36.00 4.33 101.00 .303 .408 1.67 61.37 4.67 4.67 2.98 1.06 8.59 4.00
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.33 26.67 7.67 83.00 .297 .353 1.67 46.33 3.33 4.67 4.27 1.32 7.25 1.00
Jeff Specific 25.00 24.00 3.67 79.67 .296 .362 2.67 61.70 4.67 2.00 2.67 1.00 10.39 2.67
STD Low 25.81 24.40 3.79 81.23 .296 .358 1.13 48.25 1.50 0.79 2.79 1.05 8.12 1.70
growth pep. / zemus 24.33 22.67 6.33 80.33 .294 .361 0.33 53.33 3.33 4.33 3.54 1.09 9.23 3.33
The Condors 26.67 33.00 4.67 86.00 .269 .375 1.67 53.73 2.00 4.33 3.34 1.12 8.29 3.33

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 30 9 3 19 21 2 0.75000 0.47619 -0.27381 1 9
svyatogornyj 27 13 2 25 15 2 0.66667 0.61905 -0.04762 2 1
Slim Pug 25 15 2 23 16 3 0.61905 0.58333 -0.03571 3 3
Domo Farm-Frites 25 16 1 19 21 2 0.60714 0.47619 -0.13095 4 10
TOOTBLANs 24 16 2 22 14 6 0.59524 0.59524 0.00000 5 2
Yankees # 1 21 17 4 22 17 3 0.54762 0.55952 0.01190 6 4
Buschwick 21 19 2 21 20 1 0.52381 0.51190 -0.01190 7 6
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 21 21 0 21 21 0 0.50000 0.50000 0.00000 8 7
growth pep. / zemus 20 20 2 19 22 1 0.50000 0.46429 -0.03571 9 13
Jeff Specific 18 18 6 20 20 2 0.50000 0.50000 0.00000 10 8
The Condors 17 18 7 18 21 3 0.48810 0.46429 -0.02381 11 14
Half Boners/jacobk 17 21 4 19 17 6 0.45238 0.52381 0.07143 12 5
Socialists 17 25 0 17 22 3 0.40476 0.44048 0.03571 13 15
aylers angels 11 29 2 19 21 2 0.28571 0.47619 0.19048 14 11
Baltz Street Boozers 10 28 4 17 19 6 0.28571 0.47619 0.19048 15 12
Husker Dudes /ericyu 10 30 2 13 27 2 0.26190 0.33333 0.07143 16 16