Monday, May 2, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 4

Total Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 125 115 16 372 .372 .474 7 208 2 17 3.38 1.29 8.96 14
Slim Pug 125 128 11 419 .357 .511 10 180 17 8 3.00 1.23 7.90 14
STD High 125.03 124.01 22.24 391.56 .352 .480 11.11 242.87 17.12 14.37 4.38 1.34 9.20 18.94
Wade Boggs Challenge 101 107 25 335 .352 .416 10 172.2 2 13 3.96 1.33 9.28 11
Drilling for Feces 122 98 18 335 .350 .412 9 256 0 16 4.68 1.41 7.95 18
aylers angels 120 98 17 356 .345 .451 6 191 10 7 3.77 1.36 8.62 13
Buschwick 88 76 18 292 .345 .400 1 246 21 2 3.51 1.28 8.30 16
Meet The Debts 142 118 14 387 .344 .445 14 200.2 14 8 4.35 1.31 8.21 14
Jeff Specific 117 135 14 391 .340 .475 9 196 16 13 4.87 1.36 10.33 10
GS Orioles/andy k 109 130 19 391 .339 .505 7 201 16 3 4.75 1.34 7.88 15
Socialists 94 107 27 362 .337 .452 12 248.1 7 8 3.37 1.16 8.88 22
League Average 107.94 105.33 18.11 347.94 .334 .434 7.06 208.07 10.56 9.72 3.75 1.25 8.51 14.67
Sogard's CPAs 129 117 17 360 .323 .451 12 231.1 6 13 4.12 1.30 7.90 19
Husker Dudes /ericyu 112 86 19 310 .322 .402 9 172.1 10 16 3.86 1.18 9.50 8
Bro Hymn Tribute 96 111 17 372 .320 .448 1 262 7 10 2.68 1.10 8.86 24
412LumberCo./fsblnks 99 96 21 359 .319 .436 4 191.1 20 2 3.06 1.20 7.95 16
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 78 79 22 261 .318 .339 4 153.1 3 8 3.64 1.15 8.57 9
STD Low 90.86 86.66 13.98 304.33 .315 .389 3.00 173.27 3.99 5.07 3.12 1.16 7.82 10.40
Half Boners/jacobk 96 94 22 306 .313 .375 8 267.2 8 7 3.67 1.19 8.27 17
Yankees # 1 102 125 13 379 .307 .457 0 181.2 14 13 3.86 1.18 8.03 12
The Condors 88 76 16 276 .304 .370 4 189 17 11 3.00 1.11 7.81 12

Average Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 31.25 28.75 4.00 93.00 .372 .474 1.75 52.00 0.50 4.25 3.38 1.29 8.96 3.50
Slim Pug 31.25 32.00 2.75 104.75 .357 .511 2.50 45.00 4.25 2.00 3.00 1.23 7.90 3.50
STD High 31.26 31.00 5.56 97.89 .352 .480 2.78 60.72 4.28 3.59 4.38 1.34 9.20 4.73
Wade Boggs Challenge 25.25 26.75 6.25 83.75 .352 .416 2.50 43.05 0.50 3.25 3.96 1.33 9.28 2.75
Drilling for Feces 30.50 24.50 4.50 83.75 .350 .412 2.25 64.00 - 4.00 4.68 1.41 7.95 4.50
aylers angels 30.00 24.50 4.25 89.00 .345 .451 1.50 47.75 2.50 1.75 3.77 1.36 8.62 3.25
Buschwick 22.00 19.00 4.50 73.00 .345 .400 0.25 61.50 5.25 0.50 3.51 1.28 8.30 4.00
Meet The Debts 35.50 29.50 3.50 96.75 .344 .445 3.50 50.05 3.50 2.00 4.35 1.31 8.21 3.50
Jeff Specific 29.25 33.75 3.50 97.75 .340 .475 2.25 49.00 4.00 3.25 4.87 1.36 10.33 2.50
GS Orioles/andy k 27.25 32.50 4.75 97.75 .339 .505 1.75 50.25 4.00 0.75 4.75 1.34 7.88 3.75
Socialists 23.50 26.75 6.75 90.50 .337 .452 3.00 62.03 1.75 2.00 3.37 1.16 8.88 5.50
League Average 26.99 26.33 4.53 86.99 .334 .434 1.76 52.02 2.64 2.43 3.75 1.25 8.51 3.67
Sogard's CPAs 32.25 29.25 4.25 90.00 .323 .451 3.00 57.78 1.50 3.25 4.12 1.30 7.90 4.75
Husker Dudes /ericyu 28.00 21.50 4.75 77.50 .322 .402 2.25 43.03 2.50 4.00 3.86 1.18 9.50 2.00
Bro Hymn Tribute 24.00 27.75 4.25 93.00 .320 .448 0.25 65.50 1.75 2.50 2.68 1.10 8.86 6.00
412LumberCo./fsblnks 24.75 24.00 5.25 89.75 .319 .436 1.00 47.78 5.00 0.50 3.06 1.20 7.95 4.00
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 19.50 19.75 5.50 65.25 .318 .339 1.00 38.28 0.75 2.00 3.64 1.15 8.57 2.25
STD Low 22.71 21.66 3.50 76.08 .315 .389 0.75 43.32 1.00 1.27 3.12 1.16 7.82 2.60
Half Boners/jacobk 24.00 23.50 5.50 76.50 .313 .375 2.00 66.80 2.00 1.75 3.67 1.19 8.27 4.25
Yankees # 1 25.50 31.25 3.25 94.75 .307 .457 - 45.30 3.50 3.25 3.86 1.18 8.03 3.00
The Condors 22.00 19.00 4.00 69.00 .304 .370 1.00 47.25 4.25 2.75 3.00 1.11 7.81 3.00

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Slim Pug 34 15 7 30 23 3 0.66964 0.56250 -0.10714 1 5
Bro Hymn Tribute 31 19 6 22 28 6 0.60714 0.44643 -0.16071 2 15
Jeff Specific 30 20 6 29 23 4 0.58929 0.55357 -0.03571 3 7
Baltz Street Boozers 31 23 2 32 23 1 0.57143 0.58036 0.00893 4 3
Sogard's CPAs 29 21 6 26 28 2 0.57143 0.48214 -0.08929 5 12
aylers angels 27 23 6 28 23 5 0.53571 0.54464 0.00893 6 8
Socialists 28 26 2 29 22 5 0.51786 0.56250 0.04464 7 6
Meet The Debts 23 26 7 32 21 3 0.47321 0.59821 0.12500 8 2
GS Orioles/andy k 23 27 6 33 20 3 0.46429 0.61607 0.15179 9 1
Buschwick 23 28 5 27 27 2 0.45536 0.50000 0.04464 10 10
Drilling for Feces 23 28 5 24 29 3 0.45536 0.45536 0.00000 11 14
Yankees # 1 22 27 7 31 23 2 0.45536 0.57143 0.11607 12 4
412LumberCo./fsblnks 22 28 6 29 24 3 0.44643 0.54464 0.09821 13 9
Husker Dudes /ericyu 22 32 2 24 28 4 0.41071 0.46429 0.05357 14 13
The Condors 19 31 6 14 37 5 0.39286 0.29464 -0.09821 15 18
Wade Boggs Challenge 21 33 2 21 33 2 0.39286 0.39286 0.00000 16 16
Half Boners/jacobk 18 31 7 26 27 3 0.38393 0.49107 0.10714 17 11
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 14 39 3 19 37 0 0.27679 0.33929 0.06250 18 17

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