Monday, July 18, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 14

Total Stats
Buschwick 409 398 48 1206 .344 .456 25 556 14 12 2.72 1.05 8.89 49
Socialists 388 355 74 1190 .339 .417 27 682 20 30 2.74 1.11 9.09 47
STD High 429.34 430.11 69.76 1318.64 .333 .445 43.90 784.99 48.60 45.66 4.15 1.28 9.62 51.67
Yankees # 1 420 384 64 1270 .332 .440 42 767 33 13 3.47 1.13 9.52 60
Half Boners/jacobk 431 362 49 1150 .330 .392 56 804 41 35 3.81 1.22 8.34 43
TOOTBLANs 426 397 59 1310 .328 .442 56 790 48 25 4.25 1.28 8.76 33
Husker Dudes /ericyu 427 365 62 1240 .327 .419 39 696 31 53 4.37 1.31 8.92 29
Mr. Second Helping 380 491 67 1375 .326 .446 15 805.2 66 45 3.57 1.10 8.86 55
League Average 394.44 384.38 60.00 1215.00 .325 .424 31.69 709.57 33.75 31.06 3.65 1.20 9.01 44.06
aylers angels 381 390 54 1227 .324 .425 22 789.2 38 25 3.77 1.18 8.43 48
Baltz Street Boozers 400 360 62 1196 .322 .417 29 649 20 35 4.23 1.32 9.10 43
growth pep. / zemus 373 325 72 1132 .319 .394 19 708 45 43 3.83 1.20 9.41 44
Domo Farm-Frites 398 394 68 1267 .318 .424 43 725 28 55 3.44 1.17 9.01 45
Jeff Specific 328 295 60 1011 .318 .377 23 700.1 21 36 3.50 1.17 9.90 43
svyatogornyj 430 437 37 1340 .318 .440 29 677 55 18 3.30 1.13 10.08 45
The Condors 427 418 70 1320 .317 .437 30 648.2 31 33 4.38 1.34 7.56 35
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 317 360 58 1018 .316 .429 24 589.2 13 3 3.51 1.23 9.46 41
STD Low 359.54 338.64 50.24 1111.36 .316 .402 19.48 634.14 18.90 16.46 3.15 1.11 8.39 36.45
Slim Pug 376 419 56 1188 .314 .422 28 767.2 36 36 3.56 1.20 8.77 45

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.21 28.43 3.43 86.14 .344 .456 1.79 39.71 1.00 0.86 2.72 1.05 8.89 3.50
Socialists 27.71 25.36 5.29 85.00 .339 .417 1.93 48.71 1.43 2.14 2.74 1.11 9.09 3.36
STD High 30.67 30.72 4.98 94.19 .333 .445 3.14 56.07 3.47 3.26 4.15 1.28 9.62 3.69
Yankees # 1 30.00 27.43 4.57 90.71 .332 .440 3.00 54.79 2.36 0.93 3.47 1.13 9.52 4.29
Half Boners/jacobk 30.79 25.86 3.50 82.14 .330 .392 4.00 57.43 2.93 2.50 3.81 1.22 8.34 3.07
TOOTBLANs 30.43 28.36 4.21 93.57 .328 .442 4.00 56.43 3.43 1.79 4.25 1.28 8.76 2.36
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.50 26.07 4.43 88.57 .327 .419 2.79 49.71 2.21 3.79 4.37 1.31 8.92 2.07
Mr. Second Helping 27.14 35.07 4.79 98.21 .326 .446 1.07 57.51 4.71 3.21 3.57 1.10 8.86 3.93
League Average 28.17 27.46 4.29 86.79 .325 .424 2.26 50.68 2.41 2.22 3.65 1.20 9.01 3.15
aylers angels 27.21 27.86 3.86 87.64 .324 .425 1.57 56.37 2.71 1.79 3.77 1.18 8.43 3.43
Baltz Street Boozers 28.57 25.71 4.43 85.43 .322 .417 2.07 46.36 1.43 2.50 4.23 1.32 9.10 3.07
growth pep. / zemus 26.64 23.21 5.14 80.86 .319 .394 1.36 50.57 3.21 3.07 3.83 1.20 9.41 3.14
Domo Farm-Frites 28.43 28.14 4.86 90.50 .318 .424 3.07 51.79 2.00 3.93 3.44 1.17 9.01 3.21
Jeff Specific 23.43 21.07 4.29 72.21 .318 .377 1.64 50.01 1.50 2.57 3.50 1.17 9.90 3.07
svyatogornyj 30.71 31.21 2.64 95.71 .318 .440 2.07 48.36 3.93 1.29 3.30 1.13 10.08 3.21
The Condors 30.50 29.86 5.00 94.29 .317 .437 2.14 46.30 2.21 2.36 4.38 1.34 7.56 2.50
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 22.64 25.71 4.14 72.71 .316 .429 1.71 42.09 0.93 0.21 3.51 1.23 9.46 2.93
STD Low 25.68 24.19 3.59 79.38 .316 .402 1.39 45.30 1.35 1.18 3.15 1.11 8.39 2.60
Slim Pug 26.86 29.93 4.00 84.86 .314 .422 2.00 54.80 2.57 2.57 3.56 1.20 8.77 3.21

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Mr. Second Helping 124 55 17 109 75 12 0.67602 0.58673 -0.08929 1 1
svyatogornyj 121 60 15 107 74 15 0.65561 0.58418 -0.07143 2 2
TOOTBLANs 107 73 16 92 89 15 0.58673 0.50765 -0.07908 3 7
Domo Farm-Frites 104 71 21 91 90 15 0.58418 0.50255 -0.08163 4 8
Yankees # 1 107 74 15 90 90 16 0.58418 0.50000 -0.08418 5 9
Buschwick 102 77 17 101 76 19 0.56378 0.56378 0.00000 6 4
aylers angels 99 78 19 98 87 11 0.55357 0.52806 -0.02551 7 6
Half Boners/jacobk 98 81 17 105 75 16 0.54337 0.57653 0.03316 8 3
Slim Pug 98 81 17 96 81 19 0.54337 0.53827 -0.00510 9 5
Husker Dudes /ericyu 98 83 15 87 99 10 0.53827 0.46939 -0.06888 10 13
Socialists 96 86 14 84 94 18 0.52551 0.47449 -0.05102 11 12
The Condors 88 92 16 87 96 13 0.48980 0.47704 -0.01276 12 11
Baltz Street Boozers 81 89 26 82 98 16 0.47959 0.45918 -0.02041 13 14
growth pep. / zemus 88 96 12 89 95 12 0.47959 0.48469 0.00510 14 10
Jeff Specific 74 105 17 75 103 18 0.42092 0.42857 0.00765 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 64 124 8 58 129 9 0.34694 0.31888 -0.02806 16 16

Monday, July 11, 2022

BCO HTH 2022 Week 13

Total Stats
Buschwick 385 381 44 1141 .344 .458 21 513 12 12 2.72 1.06 8.75 45
Socialists 364 336 70 1108 .338 .415 22 634 17 29 2.75 1.09 9.00 45
STD High 399.76 399.86 65.22 1225.21 .333 .444 39.67 732.45 45.24 42.84 4.18 1.28 9.60 48.03
Yankees # 1 387 356 60 1168 .331 .437 36 725 32 12 3.51 1.14 9.56 55
TOOTBLANs 407 378 56 1231 .329 .447 48 739 45 23 4.35 1.31 8.51 29
Half Boners/jacobk 400 349 45 1079 .328 .396 54 749.1 37 34 3.89 1.23 8.34 40
Mr. Second Helping 355 450 61 1281 .326 .444 13 737.1 58 43 3.61 1.09 8.87 49
Husker Dudes /ericyu 391 340 61 1164 .325 .420 35 647 29 50 4.31 1.31 8.79 26
League Average 368.063 360.56 56.06 1135.56 0.32 0.42 28.56 661.11 31.38 29.125 3.66 1.20 8.98 40.88
aylers angels 355 360 50 1137 .323 .422 22 735.1 38 24 3.79 1.18 8.48 45
Baltz Street Boozers 379 338 55 1137 .323 .422 27 598 18 32 4.30 1.33 8.97 39
Domo Farm-Frites 371 374 62 1173 .320 .423 39 689.2 25 50 3.51 1.18 8.93 44
growth pep. / zemus 353 310 70 1071 .320 .399 18 656 43 41 3.58 1.18 9.40 42
Jeff Specific 308 277 57 953 .319 .380 20 657 19 33 3.52 1.18 9.90 41
svyatogornyj 402 397 36 1238 .318 .438 26 616 53 15 3.23 1.12 10.14 39
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 297 347 53 969 .316 .433 23 557 13 3 3.55 1.21 9.53 39
STD Low 336.37 321.26 46.90 1045.91 .316 .404 17.46 589.78 17.51 15.41 3.14 1.11 8.35 33.72
The Condors 388 385 63 1215 .315 .432 26 605.1 29 30 4.49 1.34 7.63 33
Slim Pug 347 391 54 1104 .312 .416 27 720.2 34 35 3.45 1.19 8.82 43

Average Stats
Buschwick 29.62 29.31 3.38 87.77 .344 .458 1.62 39.46 0.92 0.92 2.72 1.06 8.75 3.46
Socialists 28.00 25.85 5.38 85.23 .338 .415 1.69 48.77 1.31 2.23 2.75 1.09 9.00 3.46
STD High 30.75 30.76 5.02 94.25 .333 .444 3.05 56.34 3.48 3.30 4.18 1.28 9.60 3.69
Yankees # 1 29.77 27.38 4.62 89.85 .331 .437 2.77 55.77 2.46 0.92 3.51 1.14 9.56 4.23
TOOTBLANs 31.31 29.08 4.31 94.69 .329 .447 3.69 56.85 3.46 1.77 4.35 1.31 8.51 2.23
Half Boners/jacobk 30.77 26.85 3.46 83.00 .328 .396 4.15 57.62 2.85 2.62 3.89 1.23 8.34 3.08
Mr. Second Helping 27.31 34.62 4.69 98.54 .326 .444 1.00 56.70 4.46 3.31 3.61 1.09 8.87 3.77
Husker Dudes /ericyu 30.08 26.15 4.69 89.54 .325 .420 2.69 49.77 2.23 3.85 4.31 1.31 8.79 2.00
League Average 28.31 27.74 4.31 87.35 .324 .424 2.20 50.85 2.41 2.24 3.66 1.20 8.98 3.14
aylers angels 27.31 27.69 3.85 87.46 .323 .422 1.69 56.55 2.92 1.85 3.79 1.18 8.48 3.46
Baltz Street Boozers 29.15 26.00 4.23 87.46 .323 .422 2.08 46.00 1.38 2.46 4.30 1.33 8.97 3.00
Domo Farm-Frites 28.54 28.77 4.77 90.23 .320 .423 3.00 53.02 1.92 3.85 3.51 1.18 8.93 3.38
growth pep. / zemus 27.15 23.85 5.38 82.38 .320 .399 1.38 50.46 3.31 3.15 3.58 1.18 9.40 3.23
Jeff Specific 23.69 21.31 4.38 73.31 .319 .380 1.54 50.54 1.46 2.54 3.52 1.18 9.90 3.15
svyatogornyj 30.92 30.54 2.77 95.23 .318 .438 2.00 47.38 4.08 1.15 3.23 1.12 10.14 3.00
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 22.85 26.69 4.08 74.54 .316 .433 1.77 42.85 1.00 0.23 3.55 1.21 9.53 3.00
STD Low 25.87 24.71 3.61 80.45 .316 .404 1.34 45.37 1.35 1.19 3.14 1.11 8.35 2.59
The Condors 29.85 29.62 4.85 93.46 .315 .432 2.00 46.55 2.23 2.31 4.49 1.34 7.63 2.54
Slim Pug 26.69 30.08 4.15 84.92 .312 .416 2.08 55.40 2.62 2.69 3.45 1.19 8.82 3.31

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Half Boners/jacobk 92 76 14 101 67 14 0.54396 0.59341 0.04945 9 1
Mr. Second Helping 116 51 15 98 73 11 0.67857 0.56868 -0.10989 1 2
Buschwick 95 72 15 94 70 18 0.56319 0.56593 0.00275 6 3
svyatogornyj 111 57 14 93 74 15 0.64835 0.55220 -0.09615 2 4
aylers angels 92 73 17 92 80 10 0.55220 0.53297 -0.01923 7 5
Slim Pug 92 74 16 89 78 15 0.54945 0.53022 -0.01923 8 6
TOOTBLANs 99 68 15 85 83 14 0.58516 0.50549 -0.07967 3 7
Domo Farm-Frites 96 66 20 85 83 14 0.58242 0.50549 -0.07692 4 8
Yankees # 1 98 70 14 84 83 15 0.57692 0.50275 -0.07418 5 9
growth pep. / zemus 85 87 10 86 88 8 0.49451 0.49451 0.00000 12 10
Baltz Street Boozers 75 83 24 80 87 15 0.47802 0.48077 0.00275 14 11
Socialists 90 79 13 77 89 16 0.53022 0.46703 -0.06319 11 12
Husker Dudes /ericyu 91 78 13 80 93 9 0.53571 0.46429 -0.07143 10 13
The Condors 80 87 15 80 93 9 0.48077 0.46429 -0.01648 13 14
Jeff Specific 68 98 16 72 96 14 0.41758 0.43407 0.01648 15 15
AndyVanPsych/fsblnks 63 111 8 57 116 9 0.36813 0.33791 -0.03022 16 16