Monday, June 6, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 9

Total Stats
Drilling for Feces 277 224 41 814 .363 .446 28 651.2 8 36 4.39 1.32 8.11 49
Baltz Street Boozers 277 292 40 899 .362 .492 22 482.2 4 36 4.06 1.34 8.13 32
Slim Pug 305 292 34 933 .362 .495 15 459.1 36 20 4.39 1.38 7.97 30
STD High 277.51 271.02 46.37 876.19 .350 .476 24.15 559.54 38.75 33.46 4.23 1.33 9.08 42.34
aylers angels 273 257 40 832 .340 .462 12 466.1 32 26 3.82 1.25 8.61 30
Wade Boggs Challenge 234 244 43 761 .339 .426 28 414 2 27 3.61 1.26 9.54 30
Meet The Debts 275 243 39 849 .338 .431 20 450.1 32 15 4.06 1.27 7.63 34
Socialists 235 235 53 791 .338 .436 34 556.1 15 22 3.53 1.18 8.59 48
Jeff Specific 256 283 30 871 .336 .474 12 500.1 26 33 3.85 1.24 10.18 37
League Average 248.94 242.83 40.22 799.28 .334 .443 15.22 488.56 23.67 23.83 3.87 1.26 8.43 34.33
GS Orioles/andy k 239 261 40 829 .334 .486 11 473.1 27 9 4.37 1.32 8.04 32
412LumberCo./fsblnks 237 240 41 846 .332 .463 3 417 46 5 3.22 1.18 7.77 31
Half Boners/jacobk 261 229 42 774 .330 .415 19 594.1 12 18 4.01 1.26 8.22 40
Yankees # 1 267 275 30 883 .329 .476 0 474.2 34 27 3.85 1.28 7.87 40
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 198 200 52 628 .327 .380 13 377 8 21 3.70 1.21 8.69 22
Husker Dudes /ericyu 239 207 44 741 .327 .423 12 425.1 24 38 3.85 1.23 8.80 22
STD Low 220.38 214.65 34.07 722.37 .319 .410 6.29 417.58 8.59 14.20 3.50 1.20 7.79 26.33
Buschwick 222 218 37 736 .318 .424 10 520.2 49 19 3.94 1.35 8.73 30
The Condors 217 225 38 699 .318 .413 17 436.2 46 16 3.32 1.20 8.04 29
Sogard's CPAs 265 227 35 747 .316 .419 14 519.1 11 37 4.26 1.31 8.09 34
Bro Hymn Tribute 204 219 45 754 .308 .410 4 579.1 14 24 3.34 1.14 8.79 48

Average Stats
Drilling for Feces 30.78 24.89 4.56 90.44 .363 .446 3.11 72.36 0.89 4.00 4.39 1.32 8.11 5.44
Baltz Street Boozers 30.78 32.44 4.44 99.89 .362 .492 2.44 53.58 0.44 4.00 4.06 1.34 8.13 3.56
Slim Pug 33.89 32.44 3.78 103.67 .362 .495 1.67 51.01 4.00 2.22 4.39 1.38 7.97 3.33
STD High 30.83 30.11 5.15 97.35 .350 .476 2.68 62.17 4.31 3.72 4.23 1.33 9.08 4.70
aylers angels 30.33 28.56 4.44 92.44 .340 .462 1.33 51.79 3.56 2.89 3.82 1.25 8.61 3.33
Wade Boggs Challenge 26.00 27.11 4.78 84.56 .339 .426 3.11 46.00 0.22 3.00 3.61 1.26 9.54 3.33
Meet The Debts 30.56 27.00 4.33 94.33 .338 .431 2.22 50.01 3.56 1.67 4.06 1.27 7.63 3.78
Socialists 26.11 26.11 5.89 87.89 .338 .436 3.78 61.79 1.67 2.44 3.53 1.18 8.59 5.33
Jeff Specific 28.44 31.44 3.33 96.78 .336 .474 1.33 55.57 2.89 3.67 3.85 1.24 10.18 4.11
League Average 27.66 26.98 4.47 88.81 .334 .443 1.69 54.28 2.63 2.65 3.87 1.26 8.43 3.81
GS Orioles/andy k 26.56 29.00 4.44 92.11 .334 .486 1.22 52.57 3.00 1.00 4.37 1.32 8.04 3.56
412LumberCo./fsblnks 26.33 26.67 4.56 94.00 .332 .463 0.33 46.33 5.11 0.56 3.22 1.18 7.77 3.44
Half Boners/jacobk 29.00 25.44 4.67 86.00 .330 .415 2.11 66.01 1.33 2.00 4.01 1.26 8.22 4.44
Yankees # 1 29.67 30.56 3.33 98.11 .329 .476 - 52.69 3.78 3.00 3.85 1.28 7.87 4.44
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 22.00 22.22 5.78 69.78 .327 .380 1.44 41.89 0.89 2.33 3.70 1.21 8.69 2.44
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.56 23.00 4.89 82.33 .327 .423 1.33 47.23 2.67 4.22 3.85 1.23 8.80 2.44
STD Low 24.49 23.85 3.79 80.26 .319 .410 0.70 46.40 0.95 1.58 3.50 1.20 7.79 2.93
Buschwick 24.67 24.22 4.11 81.78 .318 .424 1.11 57.80 5.44 2.11 3.94 1.35 8.73 3.33
The Condors 24.11 25.00 4.22 77.67 .318 .413 1.89 48.47 5.11 1.78 3.32 1.20 8.04 3.22
Sogard's CPAs 29.44 25.22 3.89 83.00 .316 .419 1.56 57.68 1.22 4.11 4.26 1.31 8.09 3.78
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.67 24.33 5.00 83.78 .308 .410 0.44 64.34 1.56 2.67 3.34 1.14 8.79 5.33

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Jeff Specific 67 50 9 68 50 8 0.56746 0.57143 0.00397 1 3
Slim Pug 65 50 11 69 47 10 0.55952 0.58730 0.02778 2 2
Baltz Street Boozers 67 53 6 67 50 9 0.55556 0.56746 0.01190 3 4
aylers angels 61 52 13 66 51 9 0.53571 0.55952 0.02381 4 6
Drilling for Feces 63 55 8 68 51 7 0.53175 0.56746 0.03571 5 5
Socialists 63 59 4 58 60 8 0.51587 0.49206 -0.02381 6 10
Yankees # 1 57 56 13 78 42 6 0.50397 0.64286 0.13889 7 1
Bro Hymn Tribute 54 56 16 41 74 11 0.49206 0.36905 -0.12302 8 18
Sogard's CPAs 54 59 13 49 71 6 0.48016 0.41270 -0.06746 9 15
412LumberCo./fsblnks 52 63 11 59 57 10 0.45635 0.50794 0.05159 10 8
Buschwick 52 65 9 50 71 5 0.44841 0.41667 -0.03175 11 14
The Condors 52 65 9 48 71 7 0.44841 0.40873 -0.03968 12 17
Wade Boggs Challenge 54 67 5 57 61 8 0.44841 0.48413 0.03571 13 11
Half Boners/jacobk 50 65 11 57 63 6 0.44048 0.47619 0.03571 14 12
GS Orioles/andy k 48 67 11 61 59 6 0.42460 0.50794 0.08333 15 9
Husker Dudes /ericyu 50 69 7 66 54 6 0.42460 0.54762 0.12302 16 7
Meet The Debts 46 67 13 56 64 6 0.41667 0.46825 0.05159 17 13
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 40 81 5 50 72 4 0.33730 0.41270 0.07540 18 16

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