Monday, June 20, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 11

Total Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 349 359 54 1125 .358 .501 29 610.1 4 39 4.06 1.32 8.27 41
Slim Pug 357 343 44 1083 .356 .478 19 569.1 39 28 4.33 1.35 8.46 40
Drilling for Feces 320 262 54 961 .347 .425 30 788 16 41 4.18 1.28 8.22 60
STD High 336.43 334.56 56.47 1,067.92 .347 .476 28.95 678.64 45.69 39.91 4.23 1.32 9.06 51.13
Socialists 294 305 63 987 .342 .440 37 685 16 26 3.60 1.16 8.42 61
Wade Boggs Challenge 291 297 48 930 .341 .439 31 508.2 4 34 3.72 1.28 9.55 37
aylers angels 333 334 47 1031 .339 .471 20 583.2 43 33 3.92 1.27 8.82 34
412LumberCo./fsblnks 296 305 49 1056 .338 .474 10 523.1 57 5 3.42 1.21 7.93 38
Meet The Debts 335 314 50 1076 .338 .446 21 579 40 16 3.70 1.21 7.94 46
GS Orioles/andy k 298 317 48 1016 .336 .483 12 579 31 10 4.32 1.32 8.13 40
Jeff Specific 320 344 36 1054 .336 .473 18 606.1 34 38 3.62 1.22 10.03 44
League Average 304.94 297.61 49.11 976.94 .334 .444 19.28 600.30 28.44 28.67 3.87 1.26 8.47 42.44
Half Boners/jacobk 314 285 49 944 .331 .417 22 717.2 14 24 4.18 1.27 8.00 49
Husker Dudes /ericyu 292 239 48 886 .327 .419 18 547.1 28 47 3.67 1.20 8.68 32
Yankees # 1 319 331 34 1047 .327 .465 1 558 38 34 4.21 1.32 7.69 43
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 252 234 61 782 .326 .384 21 463 9 29 3.89 1.24 8.59 28
STD Low 273.46 260.66 41.75 885.97 .321 .412 9.61 521.96 11.19 17.43 3.52 1.19 7.88 33.76
The Condors 266 271 51 853 .320 .409 27 559.1 53 19 3.04 1.13 8.13 40
Buschwick 279 276 48 927 .316 .432 13 635 54 25 3.98 1.35 8.76 38
Sogard's CPAs 329 286 43 927 .316 .425 17 629.2 16 42 4.26 1.32 8.03 41
Bro Hymn Tribute 245 255 57 900 .315 .412 1 666 16 26 3.62 1.17 8.76 52

Average Stats
Baltz Street Boozers 31.73 32.64 4.91 102.27 .358 .501 2.64 55.46 0.36 3.55 4.06 1.32 8.27 3.73
Slim Pug 32.45 31.18 4.00 98.45 .356 .478 1.73 51.74 3.55 2.55 4.33 1.35 8.46 3.64
Drilling for Feces 29.09 23.82 4.91 87.36 .347 .425 2.73 71.64 1.45 3.73 4.18 1.28 8.22 5.45
STD High 30.58 30.41 5.13 97.08 .347 .476 2.63 61.69 4.15 3.63 4.23 1.32 9.06 4.65
Socialists 26.73 27.73 5.73 89.73 .342 .440 3.36 62.27 1.45 2.36 3.60 1.16 8.42 5.55
Wade Boggs Challenge 26.45 27.00 4.36 84.55 .341 .439 2.82 46.20 0.36 3.09 3.72 1.28 9.55 3.36
aylers angels 30.27 30.36 4.27 93.73 .339 .471 1.82 53.02 3.91 3.00 3.92 1.27 8.82 3.09
412LumberCo./fsblnks 26.91 27.73 4.45 96.00 .338 .474 0.91 47.55 5.18 0.45 3.42 1.21 7.93 3.45
Meet The Debts 30.45 28.55 4.55 97.82 .338 .446 1.91 52.64 3.64 1.45 3.70 1.21 7.94 4.18
GS Orioles/andy k 27.09 28.82 4.36 92.36 .336 .483 1.09 52.64 2.82 0.91 4.32 1.32 8.13 3.64
Jeff Specific 29.09 31.27 3.27 95.82 .336 .473 1.64 55.10 3.09 3.45 3.62 1.22 10.03 4.00
League Average 27.72 27.06 4.46 88.81 .334 .444 1.75 54.57 2.59 2.61 3.87 1.26 8.47 3.86
Half Boners/jacobk 28.55 25.91 4.45 85.82 .331 .417 2.00 65.20 1.27 2.18 4.18 1.27 8.00 4.45
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.55 21.73 4.36 80.55 .327 .419 1.64 49.74 2.55 4.27 3.67 1.20 8.68 2.91
Yankees # 1 29.00 30.09 3.09 95.18 .327 .465 0.09 50.73 3.45 3.09 4.21 1.32 7.69 3.91
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 22.91 21.27 5.55 71.09 .326 .384 1.91 42.09 0.82 2.64 3.89 1.24 8.59 2.55
STD Low 24.86 23.70 3.80 80.54 .321 .412 0.87 47.45 1.02 1.58 3.52 1.19 7.88 3.07
The Condors 24.18 24.64 4.64 77.55 .320 .409 2.45 50.83 4.82 1.73 3.04 1.13 8.13 3.64
Buschwick 25.36 25.09 4.36 84.27 .316 .432 1.18 57.73 4.91 2.27 3.98 1.35 8.76 3.45
Sogard's CPAs 29.91 26.00 3.91 84.27 .316 .425 1.55 57.20 1.45 3.82 4.26 1.32 8.03 3.73
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.27 23.18 5.18 81.82 .315 .412 0.09 60.55 1.45 2.36 3.62 1.17 8.76 4.73

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Baltz Street Boozers 85 61 8 83 61 10 0.57792 0.57143 -0.00649 1 4
Jeff Specific 83 59 12 84 62 8 0.57792 0.57143 -0.00649 2 5
aylers angels 80 61 13 86 58 10 0.56169 0.59091 0.02922 3 2
Slim Pug 77 64 13 86 57 11 0.54221 0.59416 0.05195 4 1
Socialists 81 68 5 75 71 8 0.54221 0.51299 -0.02922 5 9
Drilling for Feces 74 69 11 84 63 7 0.51623 0.56818 0.05195 6 6
412LumberCo./fsblnks 69 73 12 81 61 12 0.48701 0.56494 0.07792 7 7
Yankees # 1 65 74 15 87 59 8 0.47078 0.59091 0.12013 8 3
Wade Boggs Challenge 68 78 8 68 76 10 0.46753 0.47403 0.00649 9 12
Sogard's CPAs 63 74 17 59 83 12 0.46429 0.42208 -0.04221 10 14
The Condors 66 77 11 58 83 13 0.46429 0.41883 -0.04545 11 15
Meet The Debts 64 77 13 70 73 11 0.45779 0.49026 0.03247 12 11
Buschwick 61 78 15 57 89 8 0.44481 0.39610 -0.04870 13 16
Husker Dudes /ericyu 63 81 10 79 66 9 0.44156 0.54221 0.10065 14 8
Half Boners/jacobk 59 81 14 64 82 8 0.42857 0.44156 0.01299 15 13
GS Orioles/andy k 59 82 13 73 73 8 0.42532 0.50000 0.07468 16 10
Bro Hymn Tribute 56 81 17 49 94 11 0.41883 0.35390 -0.06494 17 18
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 48 99 7 58 90 6 0.33442 0.39610 0.06169 18 17

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