Monday, June 27, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 12

Total Stats
Slim Pug 393 381 49 1203 .359 .484 21 614.2 42 33 4.38 1.34 8.51 40
Baltz Street Boozers 375 386 58 1208 .358 .495 33 669 5 40 4.10 1.32 8.18 43
STD High 369.33 365.78 61.76 1,168.78 .349 .478 30.74 737.14 50.09 43.48 4.26 1.33 8.97 54.49
Drilling for Feces 349 282 62 1060 .348 .430 31 845 19 46 4.23 1.29 8.14 64
Wade Boggs Challenge 328 333 54 1045 .345 .450 33 540.2 4 38 3.63 1.26 9.44 39
aylers angels 367 363 50 1137 .343 .476 15 650 49 35 3.92 1.27 8.61 38
GS Orioles/andy k 331 352 50 1124 .342 .490 19 621 33 11 4.43 1.33 8.09 41
Socialists 325 330 70 1086 .340 .445 39 743.1 16 32 3.74 1.18 8.37 64
412LumberCo./fsblnks 320 328 55 1144 .338 .469 10 567.2 61 5 3.61 1.22 7.78 40
Jeff Specific 352 382 39 1155 .336 .473 19 684 38 40 3.62 1.21 9.95 50
League Average 334.72 325.28 53.50 1,071.39 .335 .447 20.72 652.71 31.61 31.44 3.92 1.26 8.42 45.56
Meet The Debts 357 338 58 1160 .335 .445 22 633.1 48 16 3.75 1.23 8.09 50
Husker Dudes /ericyu 322 264 49 989 .334 .430 21 613 32 50 3.70 1.18 8.47 37
Yankees # 1 352 356 37 1156 .332 .471 4 610.1 42 35 4.28 1.35 7.71 46
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 279 256 66 870 .331 .390 23 502.2 12 34 3.99 1.27 8.54 31
Half Boners/jacobk 345 313 51 1030 .329 .420 22 789.2 18 27 4.26 1.28 8.07 54
STD Low 300.12 284.78 45.24 974.00 .322 .416 10.71 568.27 13.13 19.41 3.58 1.20 7.86 36.62
Sogard's CPAs 368 315 50 1021 .319 .428 18 675.1 17 45 4.24 1.33 8.00 44
The Condors 285 296 54 929 .317 .409 28 599 55 21 3.17 1.16 8.20 42
Buschwick 315 306 51 1021 .316 .433 15 692.1 59 28 3.93 1.34 8.62 43
Bro Hymn Tribute 262 274 60 947 .311 .404 0 701.2 19 30 3.63 1.16 8.76 54

Average Stats
Slim Pug 32.75 31.75 4.08 100.25 .359 .484 1.75 51.18 3.50 2.75 4.38 1.34 8.51 3.33
Baltz Street Boozers 31.25 32.17 4.83 100.67 .358 .495 2.75 55.75 0.42 3.33 4.10 1.32 8.18 3.58
STD High 30.78 30.48 5.15 97.40 .349 .478 2.56 61.43 4.17 3.62 4.26 1.33 8.97 4.54
Drilling for Feces 29.08 23.50 5.17 88.33 .348 .430 2.58 70.42 1.58 3.83 4.23 1.29 8.14 5.33
Wade Boggs Challenge 27.33 27.75 4.50 87.08 .345 .450 2.75 45.02 0.33 3.17 3.63 1.26 9.44 3.25
aylers angels 30.58 30.25 4.17 94.75 .343 .476 1.25 54.17 4.08 2.92 3.92 1.27 8.61 3.17
GS Orioles/andy k 27.58 29.33 4.17 93.67 .342 .490 1.58 51.75 2.75 0.92 4.43 1.33 8.09 3.42
Socialists 27.08 27.50 5.83 90.50 .340 .445 3.25 61.93 1.33 2.67 3.74 1.18 8.37 5.33
412LumberCo./fsblnks 26.67 27.33 4.58 95.33 .338 .469 0.83 47.27 5.08 0.42 3.61 1.22 7.78 3.33
Jeff Specific 29.33 31.83 3.25 96.25 .336 .473 1.58 57.00 3.17 3.33 3.62 1.21 9.95 4.17
League Average 27.89 27.11 4.46 89.28 .335 .447 1.73 54.39 2.63 2.62 3.92 1.26 8.42 3.80
Meet The Debts 29.75 28.17 4.83 96.67 .335 .445 1.83 52.76 4.00 1.33 3.75 1.23 8.09 4.17
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.83 22.00 4.08 82.42 .334 .430 1.75 51.08 2.67 4.17 3.70 1.18 8.47 3.08
Yankees # 1 29.33 29.67 3.08 96.33 .332 .471 0.33 50.84 3.50 2.92 4.28 1.35 7.71 3.83
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 23.25 21.33 5.50 72.50 .331 .390 1.92 41.85 1.00 2.83 3.99 1.27 8.54 2.58
Half Boners/jacobk 28.75 26.08 4.25 85.83 .329 .420 1.83 65.77 1.50 2.25 4.26 1.28 8.07 4.50
STD Low 25.01 23.73 3.77 81.17 .322 .416 0.89 47.36 1.09 1.62 3.58 1.20 7.86 3.05
Sogard's CPAs 30.67 26.25 4.17 85.08 .319 .428 1.50 56.26 1.42 3.75 4.24 1.33 8.00 3.67
The Condors 23.75 24.67 4.50 77.42 .317 .409 2.33 49.92 4.58 1.75 3.17 1.16 8.20 3.50
Buschwick 26.25 25.50 4.25 85.08 .316 .433 1.25 57.68 4.92 2.33 3.93 1.34 8.62 3.58
Bro Hymn Tribute 21.83 22.83 5.00 78.92 .311 .404 - 58.43 1.58 2.50 3.63 1.16 8.76 4.50

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Jeff Specific 94 62 12 94 65 9 0.59524 0.58631 -0.00893 1 3
aylers angels 88 66 14 96 60 12 0.56548 0.60714 0.04167 2 1
Baltz Street Boozers 88 70 10 88 70 10 0.55357 0.55357 0.00000 3 6
Slim Pug 85 68 15 95 62 11 0.55060 0.59821 0.04762 4 2
Socialists 86 76 6 82 76 10 0.52976 0.51786 -0.01190 5 9
Drilling for Feces 80 75 13 94 67 7 0.51488 0.58036 0.06548 6 4
Wade Boggs Challenge 76 83 9 75 83 10 0.47917 0.47619 -0.00298 7 11
Yankees # 1 72 81 15 93 66 9 0.47321 0.58036 0.10714 8 5
Buschwick 70 81 17 69 91 8 0.46726 0.43452 -0.03274 9 14
Husker Dudes /ericyu 73 84 11 86 73 9 0.46726 0.53869 0.07143 10 8
412LumberCo./fsblnks 71 85 12 85 71 12 0.45833 0.54167 0.08333 11 7
Sogard's CPAs 68 82 18 62 93 13 0.45833 0.40774 -0.05060 12 15
Half Boners/jacobk 67 86 15 71 88 9 0.44345 0.44940 0.00595 13 13
The Condors 68 89 11 60 93 15 0.43750 0.40179 -0.03571 14 16
Meet The Debts 66 88 14 72 85 11 0.43452 0.46131 0.02679 15 12
GS Orioles/andy k 66 89 13 81 79 8 0.43155 0.50595 0.07440 16 10
Bro Hymn Tribute 61 89 18 55 102 11 0.41667 0.36012 -0.05655 17 18
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 51 108 9 63 97 8 0.33036 0.39881 0.06845 18 17

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