Monday, June 13, 2016

BCO 2016 HTH Week 10

Total Stats
Sogard's CPAs 287 254 38 816 .311 .412 15 576.1 13 38 4.28 1.33 8.04 38
Buschwick 243 245 44 817 .313 .423 11 583.2 51 21 3.99 1.35 8.79 34
Bro Hymn Tribute 223 239 53 833 .314 .412 3 625.1 14 26 3.54 1.16 8.74 50
STD Low 244.28 237.18 38.02 801.93 .319 .410 7.58 469.67 9.99 16.22 3.53 1.19 7.86 29.58
The Condors 233 242 41 768 .322 .407 21 491.1 50 18 3.15 1.17 8.04 33
Husker Dudes /ericyu 269 230 45 826 .327 .424 16 485 27 41 3.67 1.21 8.74 27
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 226 215 54 704 .328 .385 15 419 9 25 3.69 1.21 8.59 24
Yankees # 1 294 310 33 981 .329 .473 1 513 38 31 3.86 1.27 7.86 43
Half Boners/jacobk 286 262 46 858 .331 .417 23 653.2 12 22 4.02 1.26 8.08 45
GS Orioles/andy k 267 296 46 932 .333 .488 10 510.1 30 10 4.34 1.31 8.09 34
Jeff Specific 282 308 33 943 .333 .466 16 560.2 30 36 3.74 1.22 10.00 41
League Average 274.67 269.33 44.33 883.89 .333 .442 17.39 543.58 26.28 26.50 3.86 1.26 8.44 38.22
Meet The Debts 297 266 45 942 .334 .430 21 511 36 15 3.96 1.25 7.78 39
412LumberCo./fsblnks 271 274 46 952 .335 .469 4 477 53 5 3.51 1.21 7.85 34
aylers angels 301 293 42 924 .339 .463 17 526.1 37 31 3.88 1.25 8.75 32
Socialists 259 264 56 889 .339 .439 38 625.1 16 23 3.54 1.17 8.45 56
Wade Boggs Challenge 261 268 46 836 .339 .429 29 466 4 32 3.61 1.26 9.46 34
STD High 305.05 301.48 50.65 965.84 .347 .473 27.20 617.48 42.56 36.78 4.19 1.32 9.02 46.86
Drilling for Feces 300 241 45 896 .356 .440 30 711.1 12 39 4.25 1.30 8.25 54
Slim Pug 334 320 38 995 .356 .478 16 512.1 37 26 4.32 1.35 8.15 34
Baltz Street Boozers 311 321 47 998 .359 .494 27 540 4 38 4.15 1.34 8.23 36

Average Stats
Sogard's CPAs 28.70 25.40 3.80 81.60 .311 .412 1.50 57.61 1.30 3.80 4.28 1.33 8.04 3.80
Buschwick 24.30 24.50 4.40 81.70 .313 .423 1.10 58.32 5.10 2.10 3.99 1.35 8.79 3.40
Bro Hymn Tribute 22.30 23.90 5.30 83.30 .314 .412 0.30 62.51 1.40 2.60 3.54 1.16 8.74 5.00
STD Low 24.43 23.72 3.80 80.19 .319 .410 0.76 46.97 1.00 1.62 3.53 1.19 7.86 2.96
The Condors 23.30 24.20 4.10 76.80 .322 .407 2.10 49.11 5.00 1.80 3.15 1.17 8.04 3.30
Husker Dudes /ericyu 26.90 23.00 4.50 82.60 .327 .424 1.60 48.50 2.70 4.10 3.67 1.21 8.74 2.70
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 22.60 21.50 5.40 70.40 .328 .385 1.50 41.90 0.90 2.50 3.69 1.21 8.59 2.40
Yankees # 1 29.40 31.00 3.30 98.10 .329 .473 0.10 51.30 3.80 3.10 3.86 1.27 7.86 4.30
Half Boners/jacobk 28.60 26.20 4.60 85.80 .331 .417 2.30 65.32 1.20 2.20 4.02 1.26 8.08 4.50
GS Orioles/andy k 26.70 29.60 4.60 93.20 .333 .488 1.00 51.01 3.00 1.00 4.34 1.31 8.09 3.40
Jeff Specific 28.20 30.80 3.30 94.30 .333 .466 1.60 56.02 3.00 3.60 3.74 1.22 10.00 4.10
League Average 27.47 26.93 4.43 88.39 .333 .442 1.74 54.36 2.63 2.65 3.86 1.26 8.44 3.82
Meet The Debts 29.70 26.60 4.50 94.20 .334 .430 2.10 51.10 3.60 1.50 3.96 1.25 7.78 3.90
412LumberCo./fsblnks 27.10 27.40 4.60 95.20 .335 .469 0.40 47.70 5.30 0.50 3.51 1.21 7.85 3.40
aylers angels 30.10 29.30 4.20 92.40 .339 .463 1.70 52.61 3.70 3.10 3.88 1.25 8.75 3.20
Socialists 25.90 26.40 5.60 88.90 .339 .439 3.80 62.51 1.60 2.30 3.54 1.17 8.45 5.60
Wade Boggs Challenge 26.10 26.80 4.60 83.60 .339 .429 2.90 46.60 0.40 3.20 3.61 1.26 9.46 3.40
STD High 30.51 30.15 5.06 96.58 .347 .473 2.72 61.75 4.26 3.68 4.19 1.32 9.02 4.69
Drilling for Feces 30.00 24.10 4.50 89.60 .356 .440 3.00 71.11 1.20 3.90 4.25 1.30 8.25 5.40
Slim Pug 33.40 32.00 3.80 99.50 .356 .478 1.60 51.21 3.70 2.60 4.32 1.35 8.15 3.40
Baltz Street Boozers 31.10 32.10 4.70 99.80 .359 .494 2.70 54.00 0.40 3.80 4.15 1.34 8.23 3.60

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Jeff Specific 74 55 11 76 56 8 0.56786 0.57143 0.00357 1 3
Baltz Street Boozers 75 58 7 72 58 10 0.56071 0.55000 -0.01071 2 7
aylers angels 71 56 13 74 56 10 0.55357 0.56429 0.01071 3 5
Slim Pug 71 56 13 78 52 10 0.55357 0.59286 0.03929 4 2
Socialists 73 63 4 69 63 8 0.53571 0.52143 -0.01429 5 9
Drilling for Feces 69 60 11 76 57 7 0.53214 0.56786 0.03571 6 4
Yankees # 1 64 62 14 85 47 8 0.50714 0.63571 0.12857 7 1
412LumberCo./fsblnks 59 70 11 71 59 10 0.46071 0.54286 0.08214 8 8
Wade Boggs Challenge 61 72 7 63 69 8 0.46071 0.47857 0.01786 9 11
Sogard's CPAs 56 69 15 52 79 9 0.45357 0.40357 -0.05000 10 16
Bro Hymn Tribute 55 69 16 43 86 11 0.45000 0.34643 -0.10357 11 18
The Condors 58 72 10 56 74 10 0.45000 0.43571 -0.01429 12 14
Half Boners/jacobk 56 72 12 61 71 8 0.44286 0.46429 0.02143 13 13
Husker Dudes /ericyu 57 74 9 74 58 8 0.43929 0.55714 0.11786 14 6
GS Orioles/andy k 54 74 12 66 68 6 0.42857 0.49286 0.06429 15 10
Buschwick 54 75 11 53 82 5 0.42500 0.39643 -0.02857 16 17
Meet The Debts 53 74 13 61 71 8 0.42500 0.46429 0.03929 17 12
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 45 89 6 56 80 4 0.34286 0.41429 0.07143 18 15

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