Monday, May 18, 2015

BCO 2015 HTH Week 6

Total Stats
aylers angels 177 171 31 546 .378 .471 21 402.1 17 0 3.83 1.29 6.98 31
Half Boners/jacobk 166 169 27 531 .355 .450 11 369.1 11 16 4.29 1.31 7.60 23
Husker Dudes /ericyu 179 136 28 535 .351 .429 25 308.1 0 22 3.71 1.20 8.35 27
STD High 175.54 173.09 33.17 537.33 .350 .448 21.75 373.23 23.15 21.05 4.19 1.32 8.47 27.69
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 164 162 30 535 .350 .443 18 282.2 12 7 3.69 1.29 6.94 20
Sogard's CPAs 174 178 21 508 .346 .443 10 320.2 1 18 3.68 1.23 7.49 24
Baltz Street Boozers 181 149 41 512 .340 .438 20 328.2 24 13 4.11 1.25 8.68 20
Yankees # 1 162 144 31 481 .333 .397 -3 311.1 12 19 3.70 1.28 7.52 21
Buschwick 166 160 21 516 .332 .415 16 344.1 13 11 3.89 1.27 8.65 27
Capitalists 148 179 24 494 .332 .454 20 313.2 16 3 4.56 1.35 7.72 16
League Average 162.67 154.61 27.94 508.22 .332 .425 13.94 331.40 15.06 13.39 3.86 1.26 7.91 22.94
Slim Pug 148 131 22 491 .330 .406 22 349.2 24 23 3.14 1.23 7.67 26
The Condors 149 112 25 431 .322 .379 4 346 20 11 3.88 1.24 7.80 22
Meet The Debts 170 148 22 504 .320 .401 12 347.2 26 12 3.73 1.25 7.87 25
Jeff Specific 177 172 33 544 .318 .418 16 316.2 11 21 3.92 1.25 8.04 20
Wade Boggs Challenge 153 179 34 533 .318 .437 13 240.1 18 10 4.23 1.38 8.65 14
412LumberCo./fsblnks 164 141 28 491 .316 .411 21 293.1 4 20 3.34 1.09 8.28 22
STD Low 149.80 136.13 22.71 479.11 .313 .402 6.14 289.57 6.96 5.73 3.53 1.20 7.36 18.20
Drilling for Feces 145 154 25 502 .312 .428 3 416.1 20 4 4.06 1.30 8.73 33
GS Orioles/andy k 166 154 30 522 .309 .420 18 315 28 5 3.77 1.21 7.97 20
Bro Hymn Tribute 139 144 30 472 .307 .407 4 364 14 26 3.98 1.27 7.47 22

Average Stats
aylers angels 29.50 28.50 5.17 91.00 .378 .471 3.50 67.02 2.83 - 3.83 1.29 6.98 5.17
Half Boners/jacobk 27.67 28.17 4.50 88.50 .355 .450 1.83 61.52 1.83 2.67 4.29 1.31 7.60 3.83
Husker Dudes /ericyu 29.83 22.67 4.67 89.17 .351 .429 4.17 51.35 - 3.67 3.71 1.20 8.35 4.50
STD High 29.26 28.85 5.53 89.56 .350 .448 3.62 62.20 3.86 3.51 4.19 1.32 8.47 4.62
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 27.33 27.00 5.00 89.17 .350 .443 3.00 47.03 2.00 1.17 3.69 1.29 6.94 3.33
Sogard's CPAs 29.00 29.67 3.50 84.67 .346 .443 1.67 53.37 0.17 3.00 3.68 1.23 7.49 4.00
Baltz Street Boozers 30.17 24.83 6.83 85.33 .340 .438 3.33 54.70 4.00 2.17 4.11 1.25 8.68 3.33
Yankees # 1 27.00 24.00 5.17 80.17 .333 .397 (0.50) 51.85 2.00 3.17 3.70 1.28 7.52 3.50
Buschwick 27.67 26.67 3.50 86.00 .332 .415 2.67 57.35 2.17 1.83 3.89 1.27 8.65 4.50
Capitalists 24.67 29.83 4.00 82.33 .332 .454 3.33 52.20 2.67 0.50 4.56 1.35 7.72 2.67
League Average 27.11 25.77 4.66 84.70 .332 .425 2.32 55.23 2.51 2.23 3.86 1.26 7.91 3.82
Slim Pug 24.67 21.83 3.67 81.83 .330 .406 3.67 58.20 4.00 3.83 3.14 1.23 7.67 4.33
The Condors 24.83 18.67 4.17 71.83 .322 .379 0.67 57.67 3.33 1.83 3.88 1.24 7.80 3.67
Meet The Debts 28.33 24.67 3.67 84.00 .320 .401 2.00 57.87 4.33 2.00 3.73 1.25 7.87 4.17
Jeff Specific 29.50 28.67 5.50 90.67 .318 .418 2.67 52.70 1.83 3.50 3.92 1.25 8.04 3.33
Wade Boggs Challenge 25.50 29.83 5.67 88.83 .318 .437 2.17 40.02 3.00 1.67 4.23 1.38 8.65 2.33
412LumberCo./fsblnks 27.33 23.50 4.67 81.83 .316 .411 3.50 48.85 0.67 3.33 3.34 1.09 8.28 3.67
STD Low 24.97 22.69 3.79 79.85 .313 .402 1.02 48.26 1.16 0.95 3.53 1.20 7.36 3.03
Drilling for Feces 24.17 25.67 4.17 83.67 .312 .428 0.50 69.35 3.33 0.67 4.06 1.30 8.73 5.50
GS Orioles/andy k 27.67 25.67 5.00 87.00 .309 .420 3.00 52.50 4.67 0.83 3.77 1.21 7.97 3.33
Bro Hymn Tribute 23.17 24.00 5.00 78.67 .307 .407 0.67 60.67 2.33 4.33 3.98 1.27 7.47 3.67

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Baltz Street Boozers 44 31 9 44 36 4 0.57738 0.54762 -0.02976 1 6
Slim Pug 43 32 9 50 31 3 0.56548 0.61310 0.04762 2 1
aylers angels 43 33 8 45 36 3 0.55952 0.55357 -0.00595 3 4
Buschwick 43 33 8 39 39 6 0.55952 0.50000 -0.05952 4 11
Husker Dudes /ericyu 44 36 4 42 37 5 0.54762 0.52976 -0.01786 5 8
Jeff Specific 43 35 6 46 36 2 0.54762 0.55952 0.01190 6 3
Sogard's CPAs 42 35 7 47 34 3 0.54167 0.57738 0.03571 7 2
GS Orioles/andy k 40 35 9 36 44 4 0.52976 0.45238 -0.07738 8 12
Half Boners/jacobk 39 36 9 41 37 6 0.51786 0.52381 0.00595 9 9
Meet The Debts 41 39 4 44 35 5 0.51190 0.55357 0.04167 10 5
Wade Boggs Challenge 35 36 13 31 49 4 0.49405 0.39286 -0.10119 11 17
Drilling for Feces 39 41 4 44 37 3 0.48810 0.54167 0.05357 12 7
412LumberCo./fsblnks 36 42 6 30 51 3 0.46429 0.37500 -0.08929 13 18
The Condors 33 40 11 41 37 6 0.45833 0.52381 0.06548 14 10
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 34 44 6 36 44 4 0.44048 0.45238 0.01190 15 13
Bro Hymn Tribute 30 43 11 34 48 2 0.42262 0.41667 -0.00595 16 16
Yankees # 1 30 47 7 34 43 7 0.39881 0.44643 0.04762 17 14
Capitalists 30 48 6 35 44 5 0.39286 0.44643 0.05357 18 15

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