Monday, May 11, 2015

BCO 2015 HTH Week 5

Total Stats
aylers angels 147 139 28 443 .365 .458 19 320 14 0 3.85 1.33 7.17 24
Half Boners/jacobk 143 142 25 441 .364 .454 12 301.2 10 15 4.42 1.30 7.64 17
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 132 127 23 431 .357 .435 17 229.2 10 5 3.72 1.30 6.66 15
Husker Dudes /ericyu 146 112 23 451 .353 .441 25 246.2 0 18 3.98 1.22 8.21 21
STD High 145.72 144.33 28.77 442.07 .351 .447 19.65 311.07 19.97 18.35 4.30 1.34 8.46 23.24
Baltz Street Boozers 155 132 36 432 .341 .446 18 269.2 22 11 4.31 1.28 8.61 15
Yankees # 1 136 120 27 411 .340 .411 -3 254 9 17 3.72 1.28 7.51 17
Sogard's CPAs 139 146 17 405 .338 .433 7 270.2 0 12 3.42 1.20 7.51 21
Capitalists 126 159 21 424 .334 .464 16 251 14 2 4.77 1.40 7.53 11
Buschwick 142 134 16 425 .330 .408 15 287.1 10 11 4.13 1.30 8.61 21
League Average 135.72 128.44 23.39 419.78 .330 .422 12.67 274.24 12.67 11.61 3.82 1.25 7.86 18.83
The Condors 128 93 21 366 .328 .384 5 273.1 17 9 3.75 1.21 7.61 18
Slim Pug 124 111 18 401 .327 .402 19 282.2 18 22 2.90 1.17 7.74 21
Drilling for Feces 125 134 18 433 .313 .437 5 365 19 4 3.99 1.26 8.83 30
Jeff Specific 148 142 26 439 .313 .403 13 263.2 9 18 3.62 1.21 7.71 18
Wade Boggs Challenge 129 139 29 431 .313 .423 10 202 12 8 4.32 1.38 8.73 12
412LumberCo./fsblnks 132 112 27 392 .312 .396 21 255.2 4 18 2.99 1.02 8.45 20
STD Low 125.72 112.55 18.01 397.49 .309 .397 5.68 237.42 5.37 4.87 3.35 1.17 7.26 14.42
Meet The Debts 135 114 15 398 .309 .384 11 300.2 24 12 3.38 1.20 7.81 22
GS Orioles/andy k 139 129 25 435 .302 .414 13 257.2 25 5 3.74 1.27 7.93 17
Bro Hymn Tribute 117 127 26 398 .301 .406 5 310.2 11 22 3.80 1.25 7.24 19

Average Stats
aylers angels 29.40 27.80 5.60 88.60 .365 .458 3.80 64.00 2.80 - 3.85 1.33 7.17 4.80
Half Boners/jacobk 28.60 28.40 5.00 88.20 .364 .454 2.40 60.24 2.00 3.00 4.42 1.30 7.64 3.40
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 26.40 25.40 4.60 86.20 .357 .435 3.40 45.84 2.00 1.00 3.72 1.30 6.66 3.00
Husker Dudes /ericyu 29.20 22.40 4.60 90.20 .353 .441 5.00 49.24 - 3.60 3.98 1.22 8.21 4.20
STD High 29.14 28.87 5.75 88.41 .351 .447 3.93 62.21 3.99 3.67 4.30 1.34 8.46 4.65
Baltz Street Boozers 31.00 26.40 7.20 86.40 .341 .446 3.60 53.84 4.40 2.20 4.31 1.28 8.61 3.00
Yankees # 1 27.20 24.00 5.40 82.20 .340 .411 (0.60) 50.80 1.80 3.40 3.72 1.28 7.51 3.40
Sogard's CPAs 27.80 29.20 3.40 81.00 .338 .433 1.40 54.04 - 2.40 3.42 1.20 7.51 4.20
Capitalists 25.20 31.80 4.20 84.80 .334 .464 3.20 50.20 2.80 0.40 4.77 1.40 7.53 2.20
Buschwick 28.40 26.80 3.20 85.00 .330 .408 3.00 57.42 2.00 2.20 4.13 1.30 8.61 4.20
League Average 27.14 25.69 4.68 83.96 .330 .422 2.53 54.85 2.53 2.32 3.82 1.25 7.86 3.77
The Condors 25.60 18.60 4.20 73.20 .328 .384 1.00 54.62 3.40 1.80 3.75 1.21 7.61 3.60
Slim Pug 24.80 22.20 3.60 80.20 .327 .402 3.80 56.44 3.60 4.40 2.90 1.17 7.74 4.20
Drilling for Feces 25.00 26.80 3.60 86.60 .313 .437 1.00 73.00 3.80 0.80 3.99 1.26 8.83 6.00
Jeff Specific 29.60 28.40 5.20 87.80 .313 .403 2.60 52.64 1.80 3.60 3.62 1.21 7.71 3.60
Wade Boggs Challenge 25.80 27.80 5.80 86.20 .313 .423 2.00 40.40 2.40 1.60 4.32 1.38 8.73 2.40
412LumberCo./fsblnks 26.40 22.40 5.40 78.40 .312 .396 4.20 51.04 0.80 3.60 2.99 1.02 8.45 4.00
STD Low 25.14 22.51 3.60 79.50 .309 .397 1.14 47.48 1.07 0.97 3.35 1.17 7.26 2.88
Meet The Debts 27.00 22.80 3.00 79.60 .309 .384 2.20 60.04 4.80 2.40 3.38 1.20 7.81 4.40
GS Orioles/andy k 27.80 25.80 5.00 87.00 .302 .414 2.60 51.44 5.00 1.00 3.74 1.27 7.93 3.40
Bro Hymn Tribute 23.40 25.40 5.20 79.60 .301 .406 1.00 62.04 2.20 4.40 3.80 1.25 7.24 3.80

Expected Standings
Team Name X-W X-L X-T A-W A-L A-T X% Actual % Variance Projected Rank Actual Rank
Baltz Street Boozers 38 26 6 39 28 3 0.58571 0.57857 -0.00714 1 3
Slim Pug 36 25 9 38 30 2 0.57857 0.55714 -0.02143 2 7
Drilling for Feces 38 28 4 43 25 2 0.57143 0.62857 0.05714 3 1
Jeff Specific 35 29 6 39 29 2 0.54286 0.57143 0.02857 4 4
Buschwick 35 30 5 31 34 5 0.53571 0.47857 -0.05714 5 11
Husker Dudes /ericyu 36 31 3 37 28 5 0.53571 0.56429 0.02857 6 5
Sogard's CPAs 34 29 7 38 29 3 0.53571 0.56429 0.02857 7 6
Meet The Debts 35 31 4 40 26 4 0.52857 0.60000 0.07143 8 2
Half Boners/jacobk 32 29 9 32 32 6 0.52143 0.50000 -0.02143 9 10
aylers angels 33 31 6 36 32 2 0.51429 0.52857 0.01429 10 9
GS Orioles/andy k 33 31 6 28 38 4 0.51429 0.42857 -0.08571 11 14
The Condors 30 32 8 38 30 2 0.48571 0.55714 0.07143 12 8
412LumberCo./fsblnks 30 35 5 24 43 3 0.46429 0.36429 -0.10000 13 17
Wade Boggs Challenge 27 32 11 24 43 3 0.46429 0.36429 -0.10000 14 18
Bro Hymn Tribute 26 34 10 27 41 2 0.44286 0.40000 -0.04286 15 16
Cal Ripken Junior Jr 27 38 5 30 37 3 0.42143 0.45000 0.02857 16 13
Yankees # 1 27 39 4 27 40 3 0.41429 0.40714 -0.00714 17 15
Capitalists 23 41 6 30 36 4 0.37143 0.45714 0.08571 18 12

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